Vincenti Decoy??

It looks like a Capt. Harry pintail hen to me. I got to say hello to him last year at the Harve de Grace show. Had not seen him in years. Back in the 80's & 90"s he would come to the Ohio show at
Westlake. He always had a corner room on the outside, with baskets of seafood in the shade, and would throw one helluva Party! Then he would setup in the ballroom, and sell hundreds of decoys
for $30 per. I bought a drake wigeon from him that he signed for me. Still have the plastic fish measuring & keeping bag, that he put the decoy in marked CAP'N HARRY R. JOBES.

Just got back from Charles Jobes' shop...they're in high gear cranking out blocks for the Havre de Grace show coming up in a few weeks. He is confident that your decoy is one of his dad's....probably mid-70's based on the paint and the fact that the neck isn't puttied (he didn't start puttying the necks until about '78). I asked if he thought it was a repaint, and he said, "Probably not, but if it did it." I also asked about the angle of the neck, and he laughed at me. He said that anyone of a half-dozen guys could have carved and attached that head...including himself. He would have been about 13 when that decoy was made. So depending on who carved and attached it, it can vary a good bit.

He also said that if you can make it down to the Havre de Grace decoy show, his dad will be there and you should have him sign it. Apparently Capt. Harry's not feeling too great, but he is planning on having a booth at the show again this year.

Let me know if you come down...I'll buy you a pit beef sandwich and introduce you.
