VOTE*Traveling Decoy*VOTE

Ira's wigeon...

Well you said we could vote often!

future toilet seat designer
Ira's wigeon...
Well you said we could vote often!

future toilet seat designer

Well I am glad someone was paying attention.

So I see you have a new job lined up already...and people say our economy is in the crapper ;)
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I vote for the widgeon,
by the time I get it here to hunt over, the widgeon are looking really good. It would be an honor to shoot a few over that decoy.
Okay, I'm changing my vote. I absolutely love Ira's's gorgeous and I'm sure it rides perfect etc.

But, since I'm a certifiable Black Duck freak I'm going with the Pete's. I figure that I can be a little less careful with him and probably shoot at least one black over it.

Let it be said that all the decoys look great and it's a wonderful gesture to offer them to the DHBP cause. Thanks everybody for pitchin' in.
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Man, what a tough decision so I'm going to be logical. Since I've got an early hunt date, there's a snowball chance in hell that I'll shoot a goldeneye (I really want a GE:) in mid-October. I've never seen a pintail or a black duck in Michigan and ducks trump geese. So, Ira's awesome wigeon gets my vote! But I'd be proud to hunt over any one of those fine decoys. Thank you carvers!!!

There are many guys we have yet to hear from...including 4 participating hunters.

Let your opinion be heard!
And the decoy of choice is the Wigeon by Ira McCauley.

Ira, I PMed you Dave's address.

Thanks once again to all the carvers who offered up decoys for this...I really appreciate it.

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