Wader repair

Dave M

Well-known member
Guys ,

I have a pair of waders that are in good shape other than where the rubber on the boots bend , it has cracked and the gap is about an inch long , i need them for the weekend and was wondering if 3M 5200 would work ? What else do you guys suggest ? I hate to can them yet but if i have to i will need to . Thanks !!

Dave M
I have a pair of lightweight cabelas waders and where the boot soles were heat sealed together, they had small leaks. I put 5200 around all the seems of the soles and they don't leak anymore. Worked for me.
go to your local scuba shop and pick up some aqua seal. used to fix wet suits and dry suits. make sure you get the cleaner or conditioner with it. it will glue most rubber together.
Aquaseal if you can find it. Glue something on over the crack.
Second is the tire tube patch. The Aquaseal is tops on the neopreen and works on the rubber. Get the thinner they sell to drive it into the seams if repairing a Crotch issue.

5200 will take for ever to cure hard enough to stay on in these temps, even fast cure.

Old grundens coats make good patch material that is light and flexible. Inner tube slices are not quite as able to move when glued down all over.

The boot cracking is not a good thing and that is most likely the rubber used.
That Pair I had on was 10 or 12 years old. The seams have been resealed but the boots are rock solid. Reason I havent upgraded is I like Old School Camo, but mostly want the removable liner to get them dry fast in a dunking.
Try shoe goo. Skateboarders use it for patching shoes. It has worked great on some pretty large holes in my waders.

Aqua-Seal is the best stuff to use. If the hole is big you might try sewing it together first with heavy duty needles and something like braded fishing line. I had a three corner tear in an insulated boot one time and sewing plus Aquaseal worked great.