Washington wildfires

fred slyfield

Well-known member
Guys thanks for the thoughts during the last 3 weeks, in my 30 year career with over 600 search and rescue/emergency management incidents this has been the wildest times I have ever experienced.
Now the paperwork starts with damage estimates to compile and numerous meetings with the state and federal folks. Got lots to get done as I'm leaving for Canada on Sept 10 for a week of duck and goose hunting!!

This fire burned over 25,000 acres with 61 homes and over 250 outbuildings destroyed. There were over 1000 fire fighters working the lines by the 4th day

Here are a few shots from the first few days, I can honestly say I'm really looking forward to retirement, only 3 more months and the only thing I have to worry about is where to drop the first decoy of the day!!

This house was not damaged


This development lost 15 homes


These guys are amazing pilots

The burned range land is where my wife's family has ran cattle since the 1930's

Spencer is an engine boss here with the DNR, today while working the hot spots he found a burned elk shed from this last spring,


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Thanks for the photos, hard to believe that the house was not lost. Now the regeneration begins. How long will the burned grazing land affect be able to run cattle on it?
Good photos Fred. Any word on how it started, I heard a rumor. Spence is looking good. Fighting those things really are a young man's game.

Jeff is on Trinity Ridge fire at the moment, he has seen 3 or 4 fires this summer over 90,000 acres each. I know he really wanted to be back for the Taylor Bridge fire since was his home turf and 2 or 3 of his friends lost homes.

Any decision on where you are dropping that first anchor on November 27th?
Dave, by next year if we have some good moisture the grass will come back.

Brad, I bet Jeff was wanting back to the home ground,, is he back at Central again this fall?

No ideas yet as to the boat party on the 28th, guess I'll just have to see where the birds are and plan from there.

He will be back for one more quarter and maybe two. Then either another federal job or grad school.

They let him out today after 6 days for a shower then back up the mountain.
Those firefighters have had real demanding job this year with all the fires burning. It is sad to hear about the people that did not have insurance and lost everything along with the fatalities.

I take my hat off to you guys--that is one tough job! The house with the fire all around that was saved do they attribute that to the metal roof?
wis boz
Thanks for those amazing photos, Fred. Glad to know that you are short timing it. Good luck.
Wis yes the metal roof but most importantly the defensible space around the house, no dry grass, bushes ect within 25 feet of the house
Karen and I came through Ellensberg the day the fire started and watched it race up the mountain and knew it was going to be a bad one. Looking forward to getting together with you this fall.
Dang Fred....that is one lucky house.....

nice shed Spencer found
