Bill Burruss
Well-known member
Decided to do a little pre-season maintenance on the 2004 Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke that powers my BB2, and when I drained the lower unit oil had a good bit of water come out. Have never noticed so much as an oil stain around the prop shaft area. Does this indicate that the leak is from the input shaft (seals are under the impeller), or could the problem be the prop shaft seal, and it just stays clean because the engine runs in water? I'd already ordered an impeller, so I figure I'd replace the input shaft seals while the lower unit is off. The engine has about 140 hrs, and this is the second or third oil change and the first time the lower end has come off (been meaning to change the impeller for some time). Also, the the boat is garage kept, but most outings are in salt water. Anything else to watch out for or thougts on the problem?
Decided to do a little pre-season maintenance on the 2004 Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke that powers my BB2, and when I drained the lower unit oil had a good bit of water come out. Have never noticed so much as an oil stain around the prop shaft area. Does this indicate that the leak is from the input shaft (seals are under the impeller), or could the problem be the prop shaft seal, and it just stays clean because the engine runs in water? I'd already ordered an impeller, so I figure I'd replace the input shaft seals while the lower unit is off. The engine has about 140 hrs, and this is the second or third oil change and the first time the lower end has come off (been meaning to change the impeller for some time). Also, the the boat is garage kept, but most outings are in salt water. Anything else to watch out for or thougts on the problem?