Weird Duck


As today is the day after duck season is over, and depression sets in, we took a ride down to the beach. There is a small fresh water impoundment just one block from the atlantic ocean in Rehoboth Beach. It is always a good place to go view Canvasbacks. We notice a very unusual duck on the bank. I have looked on google and the duck that looks the closest to it is a black bellied whistling tree duck. It had a bright orangish red bill and very long orange legs. I didn't have a camera but will try to go back and see if we see it again. From the info on the web its not from around here? I guess his or her compass is messed up. We got about 30 feet from it. People were feeding all the mallards and geese and it came up on the bank with the rest of the ducks. I have heard a few local hunters a few years ago harvest Fulvous tree ducks but this thing does not have the same colors.
Tree ducks aren't my specialty. Also google Egyptian Goose and hit images. That far north I'd think this would be more likely. I've seen them in Indiana this time of year...undoubtedly escaped or liberated.
Whistling Duck taken somewhere in the vacinity of SilverLake, Indian River Inlet, (not sure about the exact location), in the last week....sounds like the same bird as I'd doubt there are to "vagrants" on the loose.....interesting to see this bird standing on the ice in the company of Canada Geese and Mallards.....

One of my favorite birds and a neat one to see so far out of its range....

(I do know where the Indain River is but thats the best I can do there), but both locations were mentioned so I'd guess that the bird you saw was the same one that I have seen the photos on....

It's the same bird. He's been hanging around the lake for a while.

There have been a few immature king eiders seen down at the Ocean City inlet a little ways south, and the Harlequins will show up now and again around the rocks too.

wow thats very surprising if thats what it is. We have them all over here but when the temp drops below 85 most of them take off south. I always thought they hated the cold.
Pete HI you doing I;m Cas in wilmington del. I'm thinking about doing the last day of brant season at Rehoboth bay. Are there many brant there and can you tell me of an area that might be productive that is with -out giving up your secrete area of course.I've got V-boards and Canada geese floaters painted up like brant and I'm finishing 10 foam bodies with herter's goose heads that to me look more like brant heads and will be painted like brant.I'm some what familier with the area and have hunted behind the Isle in front of Massys landing and center isle. P.S. I have seen green long tailed parrots at silver lake where you said people feed the birds and ducks also.Maybe this is the stopping off and resting place on ther flight south to Florida.
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Speaking of parrots. I was in a nasty neighborhood in South Chicago a couple years ago(like blood stains on the gas station door bad)due to be being re-routed around a fire and saw a flock of parrots. I started laughing uncontrollably due to obvious reasons(there's lots of jokes for this one)but nobody believed me when I reported my incredible find. A year later I saw a nest the size of a Volkswagon in a tree in NW Indiana with green parrots coming out of it. A google search revealed this.....