What an adventure!!! (Caution...a bit long...)

Hey great story there Hollywood!......hehe. No....really congrats on a neat hunt. Were you back in the area you told me about in a past hunt on this side of the state or were you closer to home?

Ed- yup I was out west a ways...pretty place...

Well I wish I was hunting or fishing. It's spring break in Michigan so I'm taking the family down to Ft. Lauderdale for a family vacation. Just fun in the sun:)

Well the sun definitely is good for ya....makes you all brown, gets some vitamin D, much better than cold or rainy....or snowy....hope you enjoy your trip down here

Thanks a lot y'all-

nice to know that folk enjoyed my story at least a bit as much as I enjoyed telling it...

I look forward to hearing turkey stories from y'all...since i'm tagged out all I can do is droooool...

Sounds like a cool trip, Dani (even though you had to mention the big honkin' water mocassin.)

Got my tag for Iosco County, MI in late April and after reading this, I am pumped to get out in the woods.

They've been walking around out back, gobbling while I was boiling sap the last few weeks but its fun to hunt somewhere other than your back yard.

Congrats on the double!
Thanks Scott...so tell me...is fresh maple syrup better than store bought? I don't think I've ever had any and am curious....does it come from any ole maple tree or certain ones?

I should;ve gotten a picture of the moccassin....he was actually kind purdy....and very fat....

Great story Dani. Even though I'm not a turkey hunter I was there with you and got a feel for what it might be like. thanks for the post.

I noticed two chairs in the camper shot, not just the Dani Beth one.

Mark W
The extra chair.....one for Dani-Beth and one for her feet....killing two turkeys is hard work...time to relax
Thanks Scott...so tell me...is fresh maple syrup better than store bought? I don't think I've ever had any and am curious....does it come from any ole maple tree or certain ones?

I should;ve gotten a picture of the moccassin....he was actually kind purdy....and very fat....

I suppose I'm a little biased but I think its a lot better...but its also been a long time since I have even tried the store bought variety...this is my 21st consecutive year of operation.

Ideally, we would tap sugar maples...but since I only have one of those, I tap the others and they all produce. I was getting about a 38:1 (gallons of sap:syrup) early on and thats pretty good. It diminishes over time and I am too lazy to pursue my hobby once it goes much above 50:1. As far as I know, the only maples that you should not tap are the red varieties...I don't have any so I am in the clear on that one. I understand you can also tap birch trees but I dont have any of those out back either. Somebody ought to try that and report back.

As for the snake, well...you know how I feel about critters that can kill me. No thank you.
Great story Dani. Even though I'm not a turkey hunter I was there with you and got a feel for what it might be like. thanks for the post.

I noticed two chairs in the camper shot, not just the Dani Beth one.

Mark W


Well since my hip boot search yielded not only a nice pair of hip boots, but a gorgeous lady firefighter I of course had to offer her the other chair...


neat...interesting that fresh is better than store bought....I know folk who think the other way and since i've never had fresh guess i can't weigh in....but to each their own right?

DB super post ! Nice birds and a beautiful area!

Still think you need to paint camp gobbler Ernie yellow!


BTW .... niiiice booty shot at the end. Firefighter take that one? :p
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she is good at pressing buttons so why wouldn't I let her take the picture?

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Dani, Thanks so much for a great story. Out west we are just 11 days until the turkey opener. I can hardly wait. I wanted to ask you the story was all about turkey hunting. I want to know how the new lid worked on your camper. That was a most amazing job. To big of job for my skills. Im hopeing to post pics of my turkey hunts as exciting as yours. Fantastic job. Thanks for taking the time to post up.

Gary March

Good luck with your opener. Still pretty chilly out there or is it warming up?

The camper lid worked out GREAT...very happy with it...still have one major thing to do that I hope will fix my problem of water dripping into the camper from the AC and that is replace the gasket that seals the ac to the camper...wasn't aware that I had to replace that or I would've...oh well....easy enough to do....so HOPEFULLY that will fix the issue. But the weather was so nice that I really didn't need the AC but in the afternoons...evenings were cool....

so I'm VERY pleased

Congrats on the turkeys! Sounds like a great trip. That's a nice shot of the tom on the tree with the flowers. Looks like that camper is a great home away from home.