What kind of hunting around Eureka Springs?

We're moving to the Eureka Springs, Ark., area in about a month. Because of all the fun and work associated in moving 2400 miles, I figure this year is toast. But for the future--is there any duck hunting nearby or do I have to travel? Do I sell the rest of my decoys or convince my buddy he needs to give back the ones he borrowed?


great bass fishing/boating on beaver lake close by. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you are now 4 hours from stuttgart, arkansas which is about the best timber duck hunting you'll find. As for everyday duck hunting, I'd go north to Mo. You might hit up Ira or Mark S. for specifics on where to go. I can tell you beaver tailwaters is fun for trout on a fly.. as is roaring river in Mo. (Montauk state park as well...but a little further) Deer hunting is good all around you. I guess one could duck hunt beaver lake. I've heard of folks doing it, but it would either be long lines for divers (with people looking at you funny), or you'd have to find a pocket of mallards somewhere. northwest arkansas is a great place for the outdoors.. just not so much for duck hunting. you need to go to OK or MO for that (or come south).

hope that helps
I would head west into Ok. vs. Mo from Eureka. Probably shave several hours round trip that way with more opportunity. do not discount SE Ks. either.
Lived and hunter the area for 15 years before moving back to IL in the late 90's. PM me an email and I'll tell where I hunted during that time.
I lived in Ft Smith for a couple of years, and heading west into Oklahoma is good advice. There are several large lakes and the Arkansas River that hold ducks. I didn't have much time to really sort everything out, but the ducks were in different locations based on water levels so in-season scounting was pretty important.