what size hevi shot?

michael barnes

Active member
always used steel, but i would like to try it just cuz i want to, but im not sure what size to get. ill be using it for pass shooting and jump shooting, mainly mallards, blacks, and buffies, nothing bigger than a black duck. im thinking #4 ought to work, but i dont want to go to light, or cheat myself outta pellets by going to heavy. thanks for any advice.
4's sound good but I would even consider 6's. More shot in the air! I had a cripple Sandhill Crane yesterday that tried to fly away at 96 paces. I use 2's for sandhills and in addition to his original problem he had a broken wing (2nd shot) and one pellet cut his jugular vein on a totally though the neck shot. If it were steel I would have used BB's on the original shot and never have taken the 2nd killing shot. That was the first "cripple" sandhill I have had recently all others have hit the dirt peckers up.
6's will work as far as you can hit them. I use 7 1/2's in my 28 and have shot mallards stone dead at 30-35...which is as far as I want to shoot anyway with any gauge. I screened 10lbs of 7 12's through a pan that I drilled #6 size holes in and came out 50% bigger and 50% smaller. Some were as small as 9's and some were as big as 4's or 3's. Hevi shot is ugly crap that works well. The 6's are supposed to penetrate to 60-70 yards if started at 1200fps+
#6 is plenty big enough but if it makes you feel better go ahead and shoot 4's. I shot 20 ducks from Buffs to Mallards, Golden Eye and even a Scoter with #6 Hevi-shot this fall.............with a 28 gauge. #6 Hevi will kill ducks farther than 95% of the hunters even know how to lead a duck.

Which ever shot size you use make sure you open your choke up. IC with Hevi-shot is almost too tight. If you have time, pattern a shot or two to see for yourself.
I 'm not trying to hijack your post because you asked specifically about duck:BUT
Last week a hunting buddy gave me 3 Hevi-shot #1s to try on Canadian geese.
Used them on the first group to come in and they droppd the birds deader than hell
at 25 and 40 yds--impressed me.
Hey Michael, I shoot #4 for everything. I was chicken to try anything smaller, but it sounds like you will get good results with #6 as well. I have loaded 1-1/4 and 1-3/8 oz loads, but will only do the lighter loads in the future. I found that I get better patterns with 2-3/4 shells, and will only go with the 1-1/4 oz loads in the future. I shoot IC, which is pretty much a full choke equiv. for lead.

Hevi-shot is great stuff. I have used the BPI load book with good results. Good luck!

I have use Hevi Shot a lot. I like 6's early season. I have killed everything from ducks to geese with them. Distance doesn't seem to be a problem with hevi shot but I also shoot a lot of sporting clays so practice probably helps. I switch to #4 later in the season ( now). Patterning your gun and trying different chokes help. I use a very open choke, IC Pure Gold.

You seeing any ducks down the other end of the peninsula? Not much in southern Delaware. Scoter are very scares?

Mike, I load #6 Hevi for my 20 ga. and have had more ducks dead in the air than not. Especcially for the early season the 12 ga's stay in the truck. I have never loaded Hevi for a 12 or 10. As others have said though- "You have to hit them", something I have a bit of trouble with now and then. Good Luck
I've shot 1-1/8oz. HEVI-STEEL for two seasons now and have fallen in love with the stuff. I've paid anywhere from $21-$30 a box of 25.

Last week I found it on sale for $21 a box.

I've shot 40 yd sea ducks, and have no problem with anything including geese. If goose hunting I shoot a 10 ga w/ BB's but my #6's will kill them too. The reward band goose in my avatar took 3 shots of #6 and fell dead and well perforated!

Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.
