What was your first duck


In my early years of hunting here on the Hudson River we mostly killed Black Ducks. But as the years went by they have become few and far between. The Last few years we have been seeing more of them. In fact the limit has been raised to two birds. Was one bird per day for many years. And before that zero. I hunted with guys that hunted out west and they rarely ever seen one . Back in the day I had to go through a bunch of Black Ducks to get a Mallard.


This year I only got out a few times do to a Medical problem. Early goose I got out lot. Duck season hardly at all. But the day I did go it was snowing like heck and cold as December can be. I loved it and didn't want to go home. I have to hunt now days with my son or some of my younger friends. I can't pick up anything heavier then thirty pounds. So now I have to depend on people to go with me. But when I do go its like being in heaven. When that cold air hits my face. And the winds burns I'm happier then anything. Most people would call us sick. I call us man.

It sounds like it was a great time getting that first Black Duck. And getting a band too , good for you. Its funny what stands out in a man's life. Thanks for sharing

It sounds like it was a great time getting that first Black Duck. And getting a band too , good for you. Its funny what stands out in a man's life. Thanks for sharing[/quote]

I was not sure I was not in trouble when it happened. I was a self-taught duck hunter and totally inexperienced and did not have anyone to show me how to do it. This was also my first trip specifically to duck hunt. I entered the small lake which was a dammed up branch of the tidal Lynnhaven River. I got into a tube float with chest waders and began to try to cross the open area to a cove in the back.

About a half-dozen ducks spooked out of the cove and gave me a wide berth, crossing pretty far in front of me. I gave one the full barrel and down it came. When I saw a band on its leg I thought I had killed the landowners pet duck or shot something I was not supposed to. I told a school mate who's dad was a duck hunter about the band and he told me that was a good thing and I later sent the info off the USFWS.

I got a letter from them asking me to re-check the number as the one I submitted was a lacking a digit. I double checked and my number was right. However one number had been worn off the band. After additional correspondence they asked me to send it to them to see if they could "raise' the number. It was successful and they sent me the info and my band back. I now have a necklace of bands but unfortunately have lost track of that first one, but that duck brings back the best memories.

I was glad I did as the duck had been banded in NY 17 years prior ! I never knew a duck lived that long. I later learned that duck still had many more years left and can live well into the mid 20's. It really increased my respect for them to know they lived more than a few years and probably that is why they are so wily and seen a lot of tricks.

But in 1971 a kid in a bushed up belly-boat might have been a new one for them.

What a wonderful story. Yes ducks do live longer in most cases then mans best friends. The ones who make it through a hunting season. Bands tell a whole lot about birds. I shot a lot of band birds, got some money for sending some in. But never ever saved one. I know! what a jerk. But I sent most of in to be check. Got a few geese also with bands . Found out those suckers travel a long way.
