What year did You start Duck Hunting?

I shot my first duck, a drake mallard, with my Dad's Browning A5 in 1960. We hunted with a spread of all wooden decoys back then because there weren't any plastic decoys yet I don't think. I don't remember seeing plastics for another ten years or so and then we got rid of our spread of Masons, etc. for the "much lighter and better looking" plastics and/or Herters. Wish I had the old wood ones back again. I have hunted with decoys ever since. Oh, sometimes we went jump shooting a local creek just for the thrill of it. I'd do it again too - it's a blast. Not the same as decoying but still fun.
1986. Mallards in a Maryland corn field while hunting Canadas.

Joe F, I think I met Billy a couple of times at Bodie Island while waiting in the no-show line. Passionate hunter, from what I remember.

I started in 1958. I got my first duck walking along the river bank while my father was Muskey fishing up stream in a boat. I was carrying a twelve guage side by side with a pronounced drop stock. Not a good gun to shoot over head. I jumped some Woodies and they flew straight away from me across the river I didn't get a shot but they circled and came right over me. Being close to the river bank and shooting over head and turning at the same time. Missing with the first shot. The second shot I dropped a Woodie and I also fell into the river up to my waist. I was both excited and wet. I waited until my father floated down the river to retrieve my duck. This spot will stick in my mind. Years later they built a bridge over the river at the same exact spot. My wife, I am sure got tired of me saying every time we crossed th bridge "this is where I got my first duck"
Hi Ed,

Yes, if you spent time at Bodie Island, waiting for the draw of blinds, you probably did meet Billy Daniels...you may have met another hunting partner of mine, Jay Johnson. Jay is the guy who actually surveyed and drew the small map of the blinds and trail distances from hwy 12. You may remember the map I am referencing. He too is a very passionate hunter. He loved to drag a lot of decoys out into that marsh...seems like we never had enough.

You know something?..I actually looked forward to and enjoyed those mornings standing there with the other hunters waiting to draw a blind. There was always a social aspect of it, a rekindling of old acquantances not seen since the end of the previous season..I don't know if I can adequately explain it, probably not. But it was a renewal of sorts. Guys there bleary-eyed..some of them sipping coffee from the 7-Eleven, or eating a biscuit. I was always glad to see a familiar face or hear a familiar name there. One of the delights that I recall about it, too, was the occasional young lady who was there to hunt with a husband or boyfriend. Seems like I never saw a woman there who wasn't very pretty, all dressed up in waders and camo.,. and I enjoyed meeting and hunting with new people there. The Rangers were friendly and helpful for the most part, I think. There was some who were lesser liked than others to be sure, but mostly they were very friendly.

Unfortunately, the hunting conditions at Bodie Island have deteriorated to a very poor state. There has been lots of overgrowth into many of the ponds, some to the extent that they are now dried up and overgrown with phragmites reeds. The last time I checked, out of 20 blinds only about half are even huntable.

Thanks for your reply. Have a great summer.
Did some pass shooting now & then as a teenager in 1982-86.
Then in 1996, I bought some decoys and got into serious duck hunting.
Like others, I have never been quite right since.
1976 the year i got my drivers permit. went to woodland beach with my brother and cousin and picked a goose pit in the daily lottery. no decoys just a gun and a few lead #2 shells in one pocket and an olt in my other pocket. luckily they provided a few silo's back in those days.