Whats your opinion on this boat?

Too bad the pics were'nt a little better. The floor looks like it might have plywood reinforcing. Maybe try emailing him and asking for an idea of how the wood in the bottom is? and ask if there is any wood in the transom and what sort of shape its in?

I think Tim Bombadier had one like that. I don't know if he checks in here anymore. You could probably find his email here and send him a note asking him what he thought of his.

John Bourbon Jr
They are a great boat. I know of a couple and the folks that hunt them love them. Having looked them over in the past I don't recall a lot of wood. I believe most of your work will be in fiberglass. The price seems right for the boat.
Rich I have owned this same boat and it was great to hunt out of. When looking at these photos it appears as if the seats have been removed and an upright added mid ship to support the combing. This may not be a big deal but the seats not only added to the rigidness but also held the floatation foam until someone remove it on my boat.

The only place you should have a wood is in the transom the rest of the boat should be glassed and very thick (5/8 of an inch). This is a very rugged boat and handles the water well. My was sold to a friend, boat, motor (40 hp ) and trailer for $1500. which I thought was a fair price. It was from the early 70s (1972) and is still on the water with a 25 hp on it. If you can do fiberglass work it should last you forever as long as someone hasn't butchered it beyond repair.

Hey Rich -
Great minds and all that... I saw that same post and had the same question. One thing that bugged me though: is it really a St Lawrence boat? It sure looks different from the one in the duck boat specifications on this site

See how there is more camber to the deck in that picture? The one on kijiji appears to have a very flat deck. The hull looks similar and the rubrails but did the company make a low-sided and high-sided version?
Me, I like the high-sided one. There was one sold in Tillsonburgh last fall - too slow off the hop...
All the best,
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Thanks for your replys guy's. I'm not sure I'm ready to take the leap yet. I have no experience with fiberglass. But I guess there is no better place to learn than something you are intereste in. I think putting a little time and money into my V-hull aluminum would be a better investment. Thanks again Rich.
Don't let the figerglass work scare you away. Fiberglassing isn't that bad. I'm not the best but I manage to get things done and they don't look horrible. There is a learning curve and every time I work with it I learn something new.
Thanks for your replys guy's. I'm not sure I'm ready to take the leap yet. I have no experience with fiberglass. But I guess there is no better place to learn than something you are intereste in. I think putting a little time and money into my V-hull aluminum would be a better investment. Thanks again Rich.

How far from.......Windsor.........are you? If you're not too far, I'm right across Lake St. Clair and you're welcome to drop by anytime and I can walk you through stuff if you'd like.
Lou thanks for the kind offer. I'm about four hours from Windsor. That would be quite the trek. I'll keep you in mind when I'm ready to paint my aluminum boat. I've already checked out your site. Do you ship to Canada. Thanks again Rich.
Sure looks like one. A buddy of mine bought one about 10 years ago- $1000.00; I didn't have the cash at the time....