Wishing you and yours a Happy Memorial Day

Dave Shady Larsen

Well-known member
Wishing everyone a safe Memorial Day Weekend!​
Remember lets take sometime to think about all the men and women serving in country and overseas​
giving up themselves for US! Remember the ones that have not or did not come home to their familes​
they gave the ultimate price so you and I can enjoy the freedoms that we have.​
Dave, Denise and Gordy​
Thanks Dave for the post. I offer to keep in thoughts and prayers the miltary man or woman who lived when their comrade did not. I have a dear friend who was on the USS Cole, a desk saved her life, her troops were not so fortunate, her body has mostly healed, her heart has not.
Remember to take the time to honor and pay tribute to those who have given their lives, and those who are laying their lives on the line so that we can bitch and complain about our petty diffs, such as Mossberg vs. Remington etc.
