Wood that should be called Poison Ivy

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Not quite two weeks ago I spent a couple hours in front of the lathe turning duck call barells. I was turning Bolivian Rosewood (aka Pau Ferro, Morado), Bloodwood, and Jatoba (aka Brazillain Cherry). A nice satisfying evening. The next morning I woke to some irritation on the inside of my arms. A few days went by and it started getting worse and over the counter meds were doing nothing. Last Wednesday I went to a doctor as the rash had fully developed on my arms, hands, and fingers. Large blisters between the fingers and painful irritation along the creases of my palms was wreaking havoc with my state-of-mind. He gave me a steroid shot and I went home thinking that would do it. Nope. By Friday it was worse. Unbelievably aggravating. I couldn't sleep, concentrate, and missed almost two days of work. Went to my dermatologist on Friday and got some stronger steroids (30 mg prednisone a day for the next week and 15 mg for another. Water retention here I come.). I think as of Sunday afternoon I've turned the corner and the worst is over. It will be weeks or longer before the redness and blisters heel. The itching and blistering was unlike anything I've ever experienced. My arms are splotchy purple and look mean as Michelle puts it.

Obviously this event got my doing some searches on wood allergies and trying to id which wood nailed me. Odds on favorite is the Bolivian Rosewood which I've now read online more than a few personal experiences. This stuff can really mess you up. Cocobolo has long had a reputation for causing irritation but there sure are a lot of first hand testimonies of dealing with Bolivian Rosewood on the net. It must be worse. It was suggested 5-25% percent of the population is allergic to it. There's one rain forrest tree that deserves to be slashed and burned.

Since I don't know which one got me I'm ridding the shop of all of them plus a few more that are close cousins, Bocote and Cocobolo, and am going to stick with Bois D' Arc, walnut, ebony, persimmon, locust, and others that only rarely affect turners. There are plenty of choices out there that are safer so need to mess with stuff that makes me sick, or even might. Not going to fool with gloves, barrier creams, and long sleeves, to keep working with it. It will find a way to my skin no matter what.

Just thought I'd pass on my little misery so if it happens to someone else they will know not to pussyfoot around and get to a dermatologist ASAP.
With all those [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]steroid shots, a) this years stats don't count or b) you should quickly try out for a baseball team.

Sorry you had to suffer, poison ivy like symptoms over that much tender surface area SUCKS! I hope you didn't put the call to your lips before the irritations showed up. Now you get to decide who to send calls to, 1 in 4 chances to get even. I can give you a list of CT state reps.

Very best!

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]I was turning Bolivian Rosewood (aka Pau Ferro, Morado),,,,, ,,,,,,,[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]wood allergies and trying to id which wood nailed me. Odds on favorite is the Bolivian Rosewood,,,,,,,,[/font]

Now you know why he gave it away! BWAAAAAAAAA

Eric, Sorry to hear of your bad experience. I can understand why it is making you more than a little gun shy of the exotics. I've had some problems dealing with the resins used in some grinding wheels. The binder resin is released as the wheel wears and it irritates my throat to the point of moderately severe swelling and restriction of my airway. Obviously this is a concern of mine.

Glad you are on the road to recovery.
Boy, that sounds nasty. I get some reaction to redwood and cedar, exessive itchyness, and a milder but similar reaction with walnut.

If I eventually get to the point of getting some calls done, and not just piddling, I'll see that you have a shot at one.


You better let Jeff Jacobs do all the grinding for you. Dermititis is a pain, but anaphylactic reactions can be life threatening. Yikes.


I've heard cedar can be a gotcha as well as any domestic wood, but these oily exotics are just plain noxious.

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Glad to hear you're okay...that's a bad run-in.

I had a run-in with a red wasp over the July 4th holiday...little #$^#%$#^@ tagged me right on the left hand ring finger, and got up into the extensor tendon and sheath at the knuckle...got my ring off, but by the next morning I had no knuckles and couldn't bend it. By Monday, my pinkie and middle finger wouldn't bend, and the redness was into my hand and other fingers and the tendon and sheath started to swell...

Steroids and antibiotics...by that Thursday, I was back to "normal"...as "normal" as I ever get!

We going to see you in October at the show? I'd hate to be over that way and not get the chance to say hi...

Got a line on some duck spots over here, too, if you get the chance...

I HATE red wasps. They can do some real damage. Good thing the ring came off.

The only obstacle to us being at the show in October is if Thomas has a baseball tournament. He's playing travel ball so we will be gone about one weekend per month thru Nov. What weekend is the show?

Positively interested in hooking up with you in Arkansas this year.
I haven't had any bad reactions turning anything yet other than yellow skin from sanding osage.
Stick all those pieces of shop riddings in a box and send them to me I'll wear long sleeves and gloves and make something outta it.
I wear a respirator when sanding almost all woods, dont need to be breathing some of that stuff.
Cocobola does the same to me. Baking soda and water mix can help prevent and relieve symptoms. The allergy in my case continued to get progessively worse. After my eyelids virtually swelled shut, I gave my supply away and have not touched it since. I know some makers who can't walk in shop that has coco dust in it. Most other rosewoods have not bothered me including Bolivian Rosewood or African Blackwood.

Betwen allergic reactions to wood and Cassie chasing skunks you are having one h of a summer.
Hope you didn't have to take a leak. That really would be a disaster huh?

I know masks, goggles, gloves and long sleeves are no fun in the summer heat but considering the posible outcome maybe that discomfort is worth it.
Glad you are healing,