I frequent this forum on a regular basis and think it is the best forum on the web. I have seen Wrangler boats for sale on this site. It seems to me that there is some confusion. So I thought it might be best to inject some history about these boats. Wrangler boat company has been in business for over twenty five years. In 1998 Wrangler started building duck hunting boats for an other individual who sold the boats under the Duck Wrangler name. The last boat that Wrangler built for Duck Wrangler was in the 2001 model year. ALL Wrangler boats serial numbers start with the letters WGR . If you have or are looking at a boat with those letters then Wrangler manufactured the boat. The owner of Duck Wrangler decided to discontinue business with Wrangler and took his molds to another manufacturer in Ohio. That manufacturer built Duck Wrangler boats for about one year. Then the owner of Duck Wrangler opened up his own shop and built fiberglass Duck Wrangler boats for about two more years. At this point Duck Wrangler changed there name and stoped building fiberglass boats in favor of aluminum boats. After Duck Wrangler parted company with Wrangler in aprox. January of 2001 Wrangler decided to come out with it's own line of duck hunting boats in the 2002 model year. Since Wrangler came out with there own line I have personally built every boat to date. In 2004 I took over the duck hunting portion of the business and Manufacturer the boats under the Wrangler name. I have had several individuals email me about warenty work on there Duck Wrangler boats and when I tell them I didn't build there boat they get quite upset and I don't blame them. That is why I posted this. If you call the Owner of Duck Wrangler boats he will tell you that they are no longer in business and will not cover any warenty problems. That is correct they are no longer in business at least under that name. Wrangler however is still in business and isn't going anywhere any time soon much to the distain of two other manufacturers that I won't name. So if someone tells you Wrangler is out of business have them give me a call. Tom Ayers Work phone 330-854-6049 Canal Fulton, Ohio . I posted this because I am tired of loosing sales because of other manufacturers saying I'm going or have gone out of business. This is how I make my living and I'm tired of people messing with my livly hood. I have kept my mouth shut long enough. I have never put down any other manufacturers boats even though they haven't done the same twards my boats. I respect the owners of this site and I hope that I will still be welcome on this site in the future. If someone thinks that what I posted is wrong then they should put on my shoes for a while and see how it feels. I have never publicly complained but enough is enough. Believe what you want but I speek the truth. Sincerely, Tom Ayers.