Wrapping it up this season.....

Donivan Wells

Active member
Well, only 1 more week of duck season here in Michigan......coming to a close quickly for us here in the mitten. It's been cold and the ice is beginning to set in. Thought I would share a few photos with you fellas since I always enjoy seeing your pictures!

My son, the dog, and I set out this afternoon at a nearby marsh and got some ice breaking in....not a very good start as the motor dropped down while backing boat into boat launch and hit bottom. Bent the transom of our plastic canoe. We couldn't make it out to the island and after a late start, we decided to cut our losses and call it a nice boat ride. On the way back to the launch, we must have sucked some muck into the water intake on the old '72 Evinrude....well, she gave up the ghost tonight...may she rest in peace....

On a good note, my buddies dad gave me an old marsh boat he picked up some time ago thinking he would convert it to a layout boat. Fortunate for me, it didn't work out so she ended up on my trailer!! The boat is an Aero Craft model F. She was built about 20 miles from my home in St. Charles, MI in the '60's. The angle iron inside the aluminum hull has rusted so there is some separation at the joint where the sides meet the bottom. I sent her off the my aluminum welder yesterday for a make over.....I hope he can salvage her because I would love to see it in action next year!!

No ducks tonight, broken boat, seized motor, ice is consuming the marshes......guess it's about over for me this year!! Enjoy the pictures!!


The New Boat...
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Yours Truley....
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A beautiful Sunrise in the marsh...
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Donivan---thanks so much for taking the time to post those pictures. I enjoyed seeing the ones of Sean and his friends. That means you have done something special to continue on this hunting heritage! Best shot of all was that cool pic of Sean and your pup breaking ice.
I'll bet your off season list of things to do is a long one. Enjoy!
Those are some nice pictures. I also liked that ice breaking picture. Looks like you've got a good bunch of kids going with you.
Thanks for they replies gentlemen, glad to share the pics.

The boys are great to hunt with and most of them shoot better than any of us old guys!! Harrison only ever shot a .22 at a target before this fall. He mentioned that he wanted to try clay targets so we had him over to shoot. After 30 targets, he got the hang of it. He shot his first duck the evening of opening day and grinned for days!

My only regret is that I didn't buy a bigger thermos... the coffee doesn't seem to last very long these days!!