WTB: Benelli M1/M2

Eric Patterson

Staff member
My son wants to add a Benelli to his arsenal for hunting wet days that aren't so good for his Citori. If you have a Benelli M1 or M2 for sale or know of one please let me know. Thanks.

Eric Patterson
He's looking for a 12 gauge. I scanned the big internet sites and didn't come up with much. I probably need to check local gun dealers.

HEY!!!! That is mine!!!!! Do not steal that gun from me!!!
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Eric, does it matter if it is camoed or not?

Let me talk to Debby about Steves guns.... maybe she is okay to let one go...
Can you take a screen shot or download and send the ad? I get an error message when trying to open the link.
I have had my M1 since the 1990's and have never duck hunted with anything else since, so would like to see the bismuth info.
BTW, the only time that gun has ever failed me is when I got my boots stuck in a marsh and went down and it got submerged, it was a below zero late season Michigan hunt and the gun froze solid. Game warden was checking everyone when we got back to the launch and gave me a pass cause she couldn't even check for a plug. I thawed it out and it worked fine, even better after I did a deep clean. If anyone is looking for a great gun, take a look at the M1.
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It is sold now. Hope Dani got it.

Mark if you just need some Bismuth info I can send you to a couple places for that. I've been shooting Boss bismuth for pheasants and the stuff is good. A lot of guys shooting 4s and 5s at ducks and geese are having great results.
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Dani said:
Eric, does it matter if it is camoed or not?

Let me talk to Debby about Steves guns.... maybe she is okay to let one go...

He is fine with basic black or camo. Doesn't matter. Thanks and let me know.

Yup, that gun is mine!

Only time my M2 ever failed me is when I needed to replace the inertia spring...I wore it out and replaced the inertia spring and life is good all over...

It is a great gun and has been all over the country with me in the ocean and up the mountains and everywhere in between. I don't shoot bismuth but then I can be kinda cheap that way :)

Eric, how much is your son willing to spend? There is one for sale used on gunbroker https://www.gunbroker.com/item/876148605 I was checking there to kind of get a feel for what a used M2 would cost before talking with Debby.

Eric has he looked at the Franchi Affinity?
It's basically the same design as the M2, a few parts even interchange, with the spring moved to the front to make it easier to clean. It says Benelli on it too. I have a 3" model that I really like a lot.
Seem to be plenty on gunbroker.


If he,d settle for a Benelli Montfeltro usually Dunns runs a sale on them under a $1000. Same action , flat rib instead of stepped and in the past ones for sale were synthetic. Usually Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo.
When I bought my M1 12 GA, I also bought a Montefeltro 20 GA at the same time. The Monteftro cost more than the M1 and is an excellent gun. It's so nice that I have only used it for upland bird hunting and it's still mint. My M1 on the other hand has been thru the ringer and is a work horse tool, I love it. Everyone else I hunt with went out and bought SBE's... I can miss birds with 3" as much as they do with 3.5" shells, just costs me less :)

Sorry for hijacking your thread Eric, but I love my M1 and couldn't help jumping in, I'll stop now.
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I had an M1 until some loser stole it. I replaced it with an M2 so I understand your appreciation for the gun. I feel similarly and Thomas knows by seeing mine over the years he's going after a proven waterfowling gun.

Eric Patterson said:

When you filter those to $1000 or less not much to choose from.



In today's world $1000+ is standard price. In many places/shops guns are on back order, for who knows how long. Prices are not going down anytime soon.

Life is short.

IMO go for a new 12ga. M2, from a reputable dealer, and be done with it.

I really like my old M1, but a buddy bought a 12ga. M2, 26" barrel. WOW one helluva Sweet "Shootgun"!

He liked it so much he went back, and bought a M2 20ga.

IF I were in the market for a new "Shootgun" it would be a M2, no doubt about it.

my 2 cents
Is he looking for 3.5" gun???
If not, I cant say enough good things about my berretta 390 from Walmart!!! For half the price.