There are some great stories here. I guess my biggest blunder ever was about 20 years ago, and I was hunting by myself on great Bay bulevard, which is a peninsula in Tuckerton NJ that sticks out into Little Egg Harbor. There are lots of creek through it and it had been cold and there was some ice around on the bay, but it was pretty far away, like at least a mile. So I went out where a creek opened up to the bay and set up. At some point I noticed that the wind hat shifted, and it had been pretty slow so I was thinking that maybe some ducks might start flying. Well, they really didn't, but I started hearing this odd noise, like glass tinkling. And I say, hmmm, I wonder what that is. Then I kind of notice that the ice seems closer then it was earlier. But I don't really pay attention. 5 or 10 minutes later, the glass tinkling sound persistent, I look up again and notice that the ice is only maybe 100 yards off of the edge of the marsh, and that kind of gets my attention. Then I realize that the ice is moving toward me at the speed of a boat in idle, which is pretty fast for a raft of ice that is at least 1/2 mile wide. I push my little AA Wigeon in the water and the ice is already all around me. I pick up some of my decoys, but the rest forget it, I am now surrounded by ice chunks a couple of feet across, and the big flow is now about 100 yards ahead of me, I am in a relatively thin skinned glass boat, can't use the motor because I can't push though the ice. I was pretty scared for a few minutes, but then realized that I could probably float back in with the ice and a little help from my pushpole, which I did. I came to a spot where the creek hit a T, and the ice just piled up there, and the water was clear where I needed to go, and was able to start my motor and hustle back. The thing that really struck me that day was I really understood the raw power of a moving ice sheet. I also wondered about the people I had seen earlier in the day that had run across the big water to some outer islands near the inlet and figured they had a pretty rough ride back in to. That was pretty much it for hunting around ice on tidal waters for me.