Youth Movement

Bob B

Well-known member
This weekend I took a bunch of time I was supposed to be at work and spent it with my oldest daughter.
She was very glad to head out.

We fished on Saturday and on Sunday she had a go at the targets with a family item bought in Hartford just before the war stopped production. I still have the box.




Her big brother gets to shoot ducks this fall. Boy is she upset that she has to wait till she turns 12.
Neat pics Bob! Enjoy them now as time flies by in a hurry. It's hard to believe I am marrying off my oldest daughter in 12 days. It seems like just yesterday when I took her on the youth duck hunt a few days after 9/11. She thought the roar of teal flocks in the dark was another attack as no planes were allowed to fly.

Enjoy the precious memories.
Obviously you made the right choice on the use of your time she looks like she had a great time. They do grow fast. My oldest will be old enough to hunt this fall and is practicing a lot with the 20 ga.
Thanks Guys. She is really into keeping up with the big brother.
Dave, its a woodsman. My great uncle bought it new and was still shooting at the tree rats out his window in his last days.
He was one of three brothers. I have a picture of his oldest brother at camp as a boy shooting a 22 rifle.
This one has the shorter barrel which is fun to shoot.