Search results

  1. S

    Bufflehead Drakes v Hen Numbers

    Had a slow day on the saltwater yesterday so spent a fair amount of time peering through binoculars at far off bufflehead. Seemed like there were hardly any Drakes. Is this common? Don?t think I?ve previously noticed it
  2. S

    Any Mallard Evident in this Black Duck?

    When this duck was falling to the water I thought quite likely it was a hen mallard (in that posture its breast feathers were quite prominent). Was I completely mistaken? It is a hen, and it seems to me that the black ducks I usually get seem to have much darker breast feathers. Didn't matter...
  3. S

    Scaup, Brant, and Gadwall Notes

    A couple of times a week during waterfowl hunting season I try to check Narragansett Bay from a high vantage point with binoculars. So far this season I've yet to see a single brant. I may have seen a small flock of scaup (our bluebills), but it was hard to get a positive ID since they were...
  4. S

    Thanks Steve Sanford

    For your generosity and the help you freely provided that enabled me to construct this situp blind. It works wonderfully (the ducks are from yesterday's outing, in which another hunter and I who hunted from the boat had a blast)
  5. S

    "In the Barnegat Bay Tradition (1982)"

    Don't recall if anybody has ever posted a link to this film previously. If not, hope folks here find it enjoyable (I certainly did):
  6. S

    The Search is Over

    Found my new duckboat: It may not be too easy to find a matching outfit
  7. S

    Another Thank-you to Steve Sanford

    Maybe about a year ago I noticed some Steve Sanford posts concerning bank spikes, and made a mental note to try making one. Well I still haven't gotten one done, but on the final waterfowling trip of this season I got an idea for improvising one. I usually take about a 3-foot piece of re-bar...
  8. S

    What's in the Gene Pool?

    Shot these birds yesterday. Understand the drake to the right is a hybrid, but wonder of what. My first, obvious conclusion is a black/mallard cross, but then why is there also green on the duck's rump?
  9. S

    New Grass Rails in Action

    Want to share some photos of the new Steve Sanford-Style grass rails in action to say thanks for all the helpful info and suggestions provided along the way of this project. And also maybe a little brag photo in the ducks that happened to get in the picture (don't think this would have been...
  10. S

    5200 Tacky after 3 days ... Panic?

    Usesd 5200 on the grass rail project Monday evening. Today (Thursday) it's still a little tacky. Is it time to panic? I think the product info says it should skim over in 48 hours and fully cure in a week. Today, I spray painted over the rails and 5200, and put the boat back in a heated...
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    Photo Test

    It's been a while since the conversion. Thought it would be nice to try to share a photo. Third try was a charm:
  12. S

    Suggested Species to Paint 6 Old Mallard Decoys

    I would greatly appreciate any suggestions folks care to share on the best species to paint some cheap, old, plastic mallards which are collecting dust in the garage. I hunt almost entirely on salt ponds and sheltered waters in the Narragansett Bay estuary. What already comes in range (that...
  13. S

    Removing Motor from Transom for Hunting

    Just wondering if anybody else has found it much more convenient to hunt out of their boat with the motor temporarily removed, and, more important, whether this poses any potential problems for the motor. I hunt out of my small (11-foot) boat by either sitting more or less upright in front of...
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    Black Duck Decoy Setup Question

    I like to put out a set of 7 black duck decoys when I hunt the salt ponds here in Rhode Island. I have 6 regular size and 1 much larger than the rest (its a stray mallard I found washed ashore years ago which I repainted as a black duck). Anybody got any thoughts they're willing to share on...
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    Spray Dodger

    After much pondering, I have added a spray dodger shown above. Wanted to express thanks to Dave D and Chris S for the pointers they generously shared concerning this project.
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    Clear Decoy Line Useful?

    It's long past time to overhaul the rigging on my decoys. The vast majority of the time I hunt on saltponds and salt marches. Many times the decoys are set over a sandy bottom. Given this, does anybody know if it is useful to go with clear (I guess monofilament) decoy line? Also...
  17. S

    Perceived Sneakbox Hunting Advantages

    Have to say perceived because I haven't really used my boat to hunt in the sneakbox style so far. I am, however, hoping to get a chance to do so soon. I've got it just about set up now for that purpose. Here are what I see as the hoped-for benefits: Comfort: I've sat in the set-up boat in...
  18. S

    Sneakbox Comfort Tips?

    I hope in the future to hunt out of my boat sneakbox style (with a dodger). I imagine the more comfortably this can be done the better. Thanks in advance to any of you folks willing to share some tips for ways you've found to do this style hunting comfortably? In the literature I've...
  19. S

    Traditional Spray Dodger Plus or Minus

    I'm hoping to add a traditional spray dodger to my boat. Is anybody willing to share their experiences (plus and/or minus) with such things? If so, thanks for your kindness in doing so.
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    Backboard Recommendations

    After being inspired by Rich McCormick's Hybrid duckboat concept, I built a hybrid in a sneakbox style. Now I'm trying to determine the best way to hunt it in the salt marshes where I most often take it. It appears that many of you folks with similar style duckboats utilize some type of a...