In light of your extensive knowledge of traditional canoes - and your geography - I thought of you when a friend brought over these old "raquettes"...... (As you can see, I should have put the right-footed shoe to starboard - and vicey-versey with the left footed litter-mate.)
Interesting.... I have the usual 24-inch framing squares, numerous smaller ones - and one 48-inch "sheetrock square" that I do not trust. I can see good use for an Osier-square.
On the other hand - I would find a 36-inch level much handier around boats and cabinets than the 24- or...
Believe it or not, one shining light of reliably outstanding customer service is our County DMV. I never got anything I could hang on my wall - but did get a nice big hug once!
I have certainly encountered "customer service" staff who have scant interpersonal skills - and sometimes almost no civility (I'm talking to you, Canon!) I always lavish praise when I get good service - but too often have to be satisfied that at least the interchange "was recorded for...
I have rehabbed some of the larger Bean's - the Deluxe Oversize. To my eye, the heads are too small. I believe they are the same ones used on the Coastals.
No doubt they'll fool plenty of ducks - but the Coastals (and equivalents from other makers) seem big enough to do the job.
If wood is involved on a boat - or anything else out in the elements - I use epoxy resin - not polyester. I use polyester when the project is all 'glass - and if structural members are all plastic (one to which polyester resin will adhere).
I have bought all my 'glassing supplies from US...
Good morning, SJ~
I see no evidence of a hole (partners) through the foredeck - as I have seen on all other sailing Scooters. I believe the little block with the socket and eye bolt are there to hold up the spray curtain (breakwater). I am thinking some of the hardware could be for steering...
Like so much of my lexicon, this term - aka squat board - may be passing out of common use. The interwebs were no help - unless one wanted a special cutting board for those tough vegetables in the pumpkin family. There is plenty of information about "squatting" in ships - but that is...
Good morning, Rick~
Interesting question about the era of build. The overwhelming majority of the construction looks traditional plank-on-frame (carvel), but.... The laminated frames suggested to me post WW II. I am wondering what glue may have been used: urea formaldehyde (Weldwood) or...
I am very curious to see the vessel again after the 43-year hiatus. This time I will be viewing it with a fresh eye AND about 4 decades of intervening boatbuilding and restoration experience. The son of the current owner - steward may be a better term - will haul it to the 200 miles to...
As many of you have no doubt learned, the life of a Duckboat Detective can be unpredictable....
Sometimes the “evidence” comes to you out of the blue. In classic noir detective stories, the clue would arrive “over the transom”….
Just last night I got an e-mail from an old...