Recent content by Tony N.

  1. T

    Canvas slot bags for decoys

    Wonder if you can look into at Tac Shops that make saddle and riding equipment. I had one locally that used to make my bags for me years ago.
  2. T

    Refinishing your duck gun

    I was curious how many have sent their duck guns back in to have them re-dipped, camo'd or cerekoted? Mine needs some TLC bad as most of the finish is worn off. I was considering sending it back to Rob Roberts to have it done. I believe it would cost me close to $500 when all said and done. It...
  3. T

    Locking Gun Rack

    I have a Tufloc in my office for a personal protection shotgun. It was to keep kids from getting at it. I am sure a thief could figure out how to cut off or steal it, but it would take some work and tools to remove it.
  4. T

    PNW Bomb Cyclone Duck frenzy

    That storm was something. It pushed all the birds off Samish and Padilla Bays in NW Washington and into the fields. It was wild the amount of birds we had inland and made for some fun shooting. I hunted that entire week as we had wind everyday and lot of birds.
  5. T

    Pacific Black Brant Hunt Humboldt Bay

    I had a Humbolt Bay Scull boat up until last year. I just wasn't using and it was taking up to much room. I sold it to a fellow hunter down in Portland, OR. Hopefully it's getting some good use now.
  6. T

    Greenhawk neck weight mold

    I have looked at a few different sites that will use a CNC cutter to make you a mold. I wanted to get a custom decoy anchore done and one shop I believe quoted me $150 for it. They do the CAD drawing and use the CNC to cut it out. Probably a good way to go.
  7. T

    Can Anyone Identify These?

    Yes, and I still see a few floating around in the area from the Spokane, WA Outlaw store. Saw one for sales recently out of Anacortes, WA
  8. Duck Hunt.jpg

    Duck Hunt.jpg

  9. T

    Winter is here. Who’s hunting?

    We will be out in the morning. Our spot has loaded up with mallards, wigeon and pintail.
  10. T

    Arkansas Opener Video from Public Land

    I know Beau Brooks and he is a good hunter and world class caller. 2 x World Elk Calling Champion, 1 x World Spec Calling Champion, Junior Turkey Calling champion and numerous stage appearances for World duck, goose, turkey and elk. He travels across the US chasing ducks, geese, turkey and elk...
  11. T

    Surf Brant

    We see the brant do the same in NW Washington State. Eating the sea lettuce and eel grass that is present.
  12. T

    Hunting Land Access

    Lots of changes in Washington State. Much of the state public hunting land near the water ways is being converted over to salmon restoration projects. It has ruined what has been historically great waterfowl hunting locations. The State used to plant the areas with crops, millet, wheat, corn...
  13. T

    New Waders Recomendations

    I ran the Cabelas breathable waders for 8 years. I was getting a new pair yearly as I would develop many leaks in them. I usually would just take them back and after considerable conversation, I would walk out with a new pair. I started buying various sale priced neoprene ones on Amazon...
  14. T

    Number of Decoys

    Great question. I see this question asked frequently on forums. You gauge the decoy spread according to the location, type of hunting scenario, feed, size of the water or field your hunting, capacity to get decoys to X spot, etc. Some smaller pocket water I will run as small of a group as 6...
  15. T

    Annual Camoing Of The Blinds

    They look good. We did the same last week. We just have to wait for the rains now, which we have a 10 day forecast of stormy weather. Lots of birds have moved into the area, so when our spot starts to flood, it should be good shooting.