What's on the bench? January 2024

Hey Dave,
Great looking Butterballs. Do you use the same heads for the hens and drakes?
no, the drake head is different. I get the blanks from Bob Romstadt (BrDecoys on FB). Bob has dozens of molds. He and I have bartered back and forth many times. I get my Ruddy blanks from him as well.
Well, good combination to have on the bench, cause bluewings are actually spoonies too, don’t yah know!!
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I took an art workshop today. 1 day class. Bob Ross style with a Bob Ross instructed teacher. My first oil painting on a flat surface. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. Had some frustrations with one of the brushes but think I could have managed it with a different brush the instructor provided us but didn't end up using....should have thought of it myself. But it was fun and I learned a lot and had more fun there than at work 🤪

Clouds are TOUGH!