Late Season Bonus

That is a nice bonus bird for northern states. We rarely see blue-wings in Jersey during the season, the first part of which starts 3rd week of October. If you go out in the marshes in September you sometimes see them before they move on. I don't think we see a lot this far east as a rule.
Another WOW. I've only ever saw or killed a handful bluewings during regular season in Mobile and only one nice drake.
Getting on that far north in December is just crazy!
quite a prize. We have the same issue with cinnamon teal out here in Idaho. We've got them and see them all the time in the spring, but they don't stay very long. Last winter I know of at least one cinnamon in full color was taken in January. We have blue wings, but I've never seen one in color except in the spring.
I also shot a hen BWT same weekend same blind. It was a razor breast and the drake was not far off. I'm not sure they would have made it much farther. We get mostly full colored GWT drakes in December. The hens and juveniles teal and early regular season. Funny. Just the mature birds are like a fraternity. Dudes hanging with dudes.
I’ve killed one that good. When I was 16 and my first year hunting. I knew no better. Still haunts me when I see that old pic resurface. Congrats on a fantastic bird!