For those that use swan floaters in your spread; What brand do you have? How well do they ride the water? Keeled bottom or flat suction style? Body size? (I see them from 23 to 34 inch body length)
PS: Good to go out of the box or do you have to tweak them a bit, to get true square and perpendicular to the water? If you have to tweak them, do they stay in adjustment? How easy was it to make said adjustments? Seem's like they should come "ready to go", straight from the box.

PS: Good to go out of the box or do you have to tweak them a bit, to get true square and perpendicular to the water? If you have to tweak them, do they stay in adjustment? How easy was it to make said adjustments? Seem's like they should come "ready to go", straight from the box.