Gatorboats still selling plans?

Thank you for the help! I should have been more specific, I was actually looking for their one man pirogue plan. The one with the square back and bow cap. Anyone have plans to that one?
Thank you for the help! I should have been more specific, I was actually looking for their one man pirogue plan. The one with the square back and bow cap. Anyone have plans to that one?
Since GatorBoats no longer exist and plans are hard to come by for it. May I suggest this?

Thank you for the help! I should have been more specific, I was actually looking for their one man pirogue plan. The one with the square back and bow cap. Anyone have plans to that one?

I know you are looking for a specific design, but Glen-L has a stitch and glue pirogue plan available.
There are many easily obtainable canoe plans, many of which can be modified to hunt. Eliminate thwarts, add bulkheads and a deck...voila, duck boat!