Working forum?

Troy Nicolls

New member
Just curious as it's been a while since I've done any foam carving. Is the forum still in existence? If not, are there archive links anywhere?
Just curious as it's been a while since I've done any foam carving. Is the forum still in existence? If not, are there archive links anywhere?
Unfortunately, the person that bought it had no intentions on keeping it going but just wanted to take competition out of the decoy market. There was a ton of info lost there and was a lot of foamer tutorials and help. It's where I learned tips and techniques. Reading some of the archives here it seems the same person gave grief on people trying to build boats too because they owned a boat company as well and didn't like people making their own instead of buying his.

The decoycarvingforum was another good one that went strictly Facebook which has made it harder to find info.
benp, no truer words have been spoken. However I do have all that foamer tutorial information on my facebook page, it's free, you don't have to join anything, just information and how to stuff. It's way too much information to put it in a thread here.
Kudos to you, Ben.... It's sad when peole hide or destroy history of any type... Too many skills and experiences get coverd up or lost due to greed or selfishness.... I have never worked with Decoys, but have restored many old boats, campers, and other things just to preserve them and see them used or shared... Last dpring my son & I went to an estate sale run by a friend of mine- the man of the house had been av avid, lifelong hunter and Sportsman. He did his own shotgun loads, and had a vast collection of guns & accessories, Decoys of many types & brands, and several small boats. the quality & experience of vintage crafters and tradesmen, or women should be appreciated, shared, and preserved.