Search results

  1. Kevin Stupp

    Recommendations for best design for the given purpose

    To give you an idea we've been building a lightweight, shallow draft, 2 man sneakbox. Empty boat is about 210lbs. Once you add a blind, grass, fuel tank and fuel,anchor and other non hunting equipment you've add another 200 lbs. We'll say the average hunter in his gear is 200lbs (I guess that...
  2. Kevin Stupp

    ??? UV- Paints - Watched a show that had that stuff on it this AM

    I'm no expert, but take the #1 duck killed in this county, a mallard neither the drake nor hen has much white that can be seen by approching flocks. So how much UV can darker colored feathers really put off.
  3. Kevin Stupp

    Live Decoys, Interesting Read

    " Back to my silhouette peeve--they are VERY effective for marking territory in the marsh and telling other duck hunters to stay away. Much more effective than a low boat, a handful of decoys, and good camo." I can tell you that there's days they don't work well for that AT ALL! I still get...
  4. Kevin Stupp

    New boat design, any thoughts?

    "I now a couple of guys that do this with the Kara style boats. It works pretty well, but you have to get the right blind or modify the cockpit size of the boat to make it work. The Kara is a MUCH bigger boat than the Puddler (~13.5' x 4')" Thanks for the input! Keep it coming. I figured I...
  5. Kevin Stupp

    South Jersey Youth Waterfowl Hunt

    I figured that your 1.5 hour drive home was going to be amusing to say the least. Make that a 3.5 hr drive to PA.
  6. Kevin Stupp

    New boat design, any thoughts?

    I've been using the new Puddler for a few weeks now and working out pretty good. I let a buddy borrow it and now he wants me to build him something similiar, but he wants flip doors like his layout blind. I think they would be in the way while paddling. We kicked around a few ideas and I thought...
  7. Kevin Stupp

    Live Decoys, Interesting Read

    "Although I don't use any battery powered device while hunting, I actually feel like they are not much of a difference maker. It almost seems like all the hub bub about them was generated to help sell the devices. With everyone in the marsh with at least one spinning wing going, I see plenty of...
  8. Kevin Stupp

    Our MB hunting season is history.

    I'll second that!
  9. Kevin Stupp

    South Jersey Youth Waterfowl Hunt

    Thanks! I'm just trying to do my part for something I love. We need new hunters to help protect and grow this sport, for my kids and everyone else's.
  10. Kevin Stupp

    South Jersey Youth Waterfowl Hunt

    It was good talking to you, I appreciate any help Delta has to offer. I already have another person or two that have 2 man boats that are willing to offer their time. I figured going through an organization would help with locating kids that would like to hunt. I also have a couple contacts with...
  11. Kevin Stupp

    finished building my duckboat

    Nice boat! Have you had it out yet? What are your plans for grassing it?
  12. Kevin Stupp

    South Jersey Youth Waterfowl Hunt

    Oh and if there's a parent that would like to come along as well, I can make that happen. I have the capabilities of taking 2 people along (2 kids or 1 kid and parent.) If there's interest we may even stay at my buddy's cabin on the river. Plan is to do a nice breakfast on the Coleman camp stove...
  13. Kevin Stupp

    South Jersey Youth Waterfowl Hunt

    I've been trying the last couple of years to go through DU and I just tried this weekend at Tuckerton to go through NJ Waterfowler's to set up a youth hunt. Both told me do to insurance reasons and this and that, that they don't do them any more. When I was a kid I was given a lot of...
  14. Kevin Stupp

    Tuckerton This Weekend

    That a-hole needs the tazer treatment that idoit in the goose video deserves.
  15. Kevin Stupp

    Tuckerton This Weekend

    Enlighten us with the full story Davey.
  16. Kevin Stupp

    Tuckerton This Weekend

    Had a great day. Turnout seeme really good. Got to meet Jode, Mike Braden, and Brian Joyce. Found some good deals, and got some new ideas for a couple projects. Had to leave around 12:30 for my grand father's 90th birthday party. It's nowhere like Tuckerton, but hope to see a few people at the...
  17. Kevin Stupp

    feeder decoys

    Chris, My puddler rig has 2 butt up, 2 no head feeders, and 2 skimmers. I also have a butt up with a pump on it to add movement to the feeders.
  18. Kevin Stupp

    Expired Boat Flares

    I use the 12ga pistol flares, the replacements are cheaper than the hand helds. My expired ones have a tendancy off going off on 4th of July while everyone is setting off fireworks over the bay in Fortescue.