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  1. W

    killing time until second season

    Evenings work better Scott. Call me when you get a chance.
  2. W

    killing time until second season

    Shot a few pheasants with Jet to kill time before the second season. I don't know which she likes better: pheasants or ducks! Sorry for the poor photo.
  3. W

    Duck/Goose burgers

    Sounds good. Gonna try it
  4. W

    Waterfowling hat?

    So what color dress are you girls wearing to the party?
  5. W

    Recommendation for full body goose decoys.

    Bigfoot are my choice.
  6. W

    Ducky day today

    Mark, do you see the pair comming in on your left?
  7. W

    Pole Barn Construction

    If you want a barn, your wife will allow a barn, and you can afford a barn, BUILD A BARN. Planning for the future is fine, but if you plan on sticking around for 8 or 10 years it will be worth it. Too many never live long enough to see their expectations come to fruition. 2 cents
  8. W

    Pearl's debut, The Maine Opener

    Real nice. Congrats!
  9. W

    The Rock

    I couldn't believe it when I saw it Sat. Amazing.
  10. W

    who was @ the tuckerton show

    That was me John. Good to meet you.
  11. W

    Question on Coot...

    I only had coot one time but it was pretty good. Definitely worth taking if you can.
  12. W

    Devlin plans, which format to buy?

    I have bought both. Either are fine. The plans are not full size so you have to loft the dimensions from the plans onto the boat. It is actually very easy to do. I suggest you also purchase Sam's book as it shows the lofting process. Good luck.
  13. W

    Humboldt Bay Scull Rehab Complete

    Nice job. I am in the process of building one myself.
  14. W


    Are we trying to organize a meet & greet at Tuckerton?
  15. W

    VOTE for this years DHBP Traveling Decoys

    Diver: Modin Canvasback Puddler: Sacharnowski Teal
  16. W

    Some good news!

    Shoot em' up!
  17. W

    Epoxy question

    For all you boat builders out there, once you've laid the initial layer of fiberglass cloth & resin, do you add any filler to the top coat of resin in order to reduce dripping/sagging on vertical areas?
  18. W

    You know it's hot when you forget your pants -1st goose hunt of the season

    Great job Scott. You're right about the heat. Warmest goose hunt yet. But it was worth it. The first goose I shot was banded. Great way to start the season. since then I've been out three times and haven't seen anything. I suspect they have found some corn fields being cut in a town...
  19. W

    whos going to Tuckerton

    I will be there this year for the first time. We definitely should have a dbp get together.