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  1. Dave Church

    It was stressful! NDR

    Al, Not too many things scare me, but I hate to be startled. With the idea that copperheads are on my property, it only takes a quick hop by a toad while you are digging your hands to clean the flower beds to stop your heart. My neighbor across the street lost his chocolate lab a few years ago...
  2. Dave Church

    It was stressful! NDR

    If it's ok with you Al, I will stick with toads scaring the crap out of me when I least expect it. I do have copperheads in my area but so far have been very fortunate that my family and dogs have not been bitten. Dave
  3. Dave Church

    NDR Black Bear in Southern Maryland

    Living on the southeastern peninsula of Maryland, it's not very common to hear of a black bear in our neck of the woods. Here is the article from the local paper. "Police found the remains of a young black bear early Wednesday morning on the shoulder of the southbound lanes of Route 235 north of...
  4. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Roy, No, the panels will not roll up. They will be able to be lifted out of the sleeves and stored inside the boat along the walls. This will allow for putting out/retrieving decoys, etc. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get the dog in/out of the boat and the solution might be back thru...
  5. Dave Church

    Went all the way to Okinawa and did not see a single duck

    Not very ducky in that area. I don't recall seeing any ducks in Okinawa, Wake Island, Guam......only place I remember seeing ducks was in the moat around the Imperial Japanese Palace in Tokyo. Great pics, makes me miss the Pacific trips. Dave
  6. Dave Church

    A moment to say thanks

    Clinton - I completely agree. This is a very good site with some outstanding contributors. Every forum has the ability to be good or bad, it all depends on the members. If your intentions as a responder is to offer solutions and help to those that are seeking it, it is a wonderful place. If your...
  7. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Roy, good advice. I mounted the "feet" with stainless screws and placed a nylon spacer between the "feet" and aluminum. In addition, I sealed out the moisture with Star brite polyether boat caulk. I will keep an eye on this throughout the season and plan on washing after each use. If anything...
  8. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    So, my neighbor has finished all three panel covers and I have them mounted. This photo shows the attaching "foot" with the threaded PVC sleeve. [URL=] The panels slide into...
  9. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Wow......woke up this morning to find my neighbor had already completed the first of three panel covers. The fit was pretty much spot on and he added strips to allow me to install grass or other camo. Here is the first panel installed across the front of the splash well. Dave
  10. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    I decided I couldn't wait for this intense heat to subside so I started working on my "blind panels". The idea is to have three panels (one for each side and one across the front of the splash well) to block wind and provide some concealment. They will be light and easily removed to stow inside...
  11. Dave Church

    Broadbill rig

  12. Dave Church

    the southern end of our journey PIC HEAVY!

    Great pics, looks like you guys had a nice trip. My younger brother was stationed in Astoria with the Coast Guard, beautiful country out that way. Dave
  13. Dave Church

    NDR--inexpensive scoped .22

    Congrats on the new rifle and the capture and release. I am a fan of the 10/22 but have several (old) bolt 22's that work just fine. Now, if you are sighted in to take out tomato hornworms.......that's some pretty impressive shooting my friend! Dave
  14. Dave Church

    The Night Of The Lesser Light (Night Crabbing)

    Great writing, I was right there with you. You got to love them "peelers"! Now I need a softshell sandwich. Dave
  15. Dave Church

    Another boat registration question

    Mark......when in Rome! dave
  16. Dave Church

    A return to the Gunning Box....

    That's some good work Joe! dave
  17. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Hahahaha...I hear the smaller ones are better eating.....less Mercury in the meat! Dave
  18. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Thanks Joe, it was two inches shy of being a keeper during the "slot season". Always tough sliding them back in the water when they are so close. It was a great fight, a great looking fish, and a good memory. Dave
  19. Dave Church

    More or bigger

    I try to match the type of hunting I'm doing. On really big water, I like bigger decoys to get their attention with smaller ones to fill in the holes. For smaller water, I use smaller decoys. Late season, I usually start putting out less dekes since everyone else is putting out boatloads and it...
  20. Dave Church

    1966 Crestliner North Star project

    Just some updated photos. I have been trying to spend as much time in the boat as possible....either fishing, cruising, or just working the kinks out. At trolling speeds I was getting a nasty squeak which was coming from one of the rear corner caps that I replaced. I removed it, rounded some...