Search results

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    Some "new" old cork decoys.

    These particular cork decoys, posted above by Troy and made by me, have seen action in the waters of Nags Head to Kitty Hawk N. C., Hislerville, Barnnegat Bay, Great Bay and most back waters to Cape May. Waters on east side Lake Champlain, waters off the Kennebec River and Frenchman Bay Maine...
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    shotgun gunsmith in south jersey

    Josh. I am not a gunsmith but I think the 37 will handle any 2 3/4" shell. Bob.
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    H. V. Shourds shore bird. For Sale.

    Very nice all intact original paint on this shore bird. Made and signed by the late H. V. Shrouds, 1930 - 2017. I purchased this bird from Harry in the 1970's. $120. Postal Money Order gets it shipped free on same day.
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    FS. Bufflehead decoy branded WHISTLER signed Corwin dated 1990. $75. Shipped. SOLD.

    This cute lifesize buffelhead drake is 9" long, 4.5" wide, 99% original paint, tight neck joint on wooden glass eyed head, very light wooden body, with metal staple and ring, not weighted. $75. Shipped in U. S.
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    Does the show rent tables, like a gun show would? I have never gone to the Tuckerton show but have heard about it and it was all good.
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    WTB: Eider , Scoter decoys

    T. Entitle. Discard the two photos I sent you. Decoys got sold. Bob
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    A bluebird day in Vermont. My sneak box and my brothers scull boat.

    Great photos John. What's your recipe for golden eye?
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    A bluebird day in Vermont. My sneak box and my brothers scull boat.

    Actually I live in Solon Maine. I was visiting my Vermont based brother at the time of the photos. That area of Vermont is beautiful in the fall. Here is a picture of my brother when he came over to Maine and we hunted Frenchmans Bay, Maine.
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    A bluebird day in Vermont. My sneak box and my brothers scull boat.

    John. Those photos were taken at lake Bomoseen, Vt. It was a very warm day for that time of the year. Didn't see to many waterfowl, but we made our shots count that day. By the way, that is the scull boat in the picture that I have listed in the classified.
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    Wow, never done that before

    Now that's a decoy!
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    Poplar for heads?

    As a whim I carved a teal decoy, body and head, using fresh cut green poplar wood. It turned out to heavy to float correctly, but after it dried, the decoy was as light as any cedar decoy. While drying the body split open, then after a few months it closed tight. Cedar and pine are my choice...
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    Duck,goose,rail bird, in the swamp sandwich.

    Jodie your wright on about mud hens and soar rail birds. The only duck I can not eat is merganser, excepting the hooded merganser. Old Squaw ducks are a close second worst to my taste buds. In sixty years of waterfowl hunting I have only shot one American merganser and two old squaws to come to...
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    Currituck NC Waterfowling Museum -- Just Opened in July

    Joe. I found another photo of the decoy gifted to the museum. The photo has more info written on the back side, stating it was given to the "Whalehead Duck Museum" in 1978. The folks in charge let my wife and I tour the grand old building on our own. Repairs to the sheet copper roof were going...
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    Currituck NC Waterfowling Museum -- Just Opened in July

    Joe. Back in 1997 I donated the decoy pictured to the Currituck museum. They were just starting there collection at that time. Did you happen to see it in there contemporary decoy collection? Bob.
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    Solid copper rivets / push pole

    I had a Herters duckbill push pole until salt water ate it up. Should have rinsed it after each hunt. After that found a maple sapling with a four limb crouch and trimmed to my liking.
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    WTB: Eider , Scoter decoys

    Two pictures sent to your email.
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    King Eider hunting

    That looks like a great hunt. What kind of boat, decoys, guide etc, do you use? Bob.
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    2 3/4 shells

    Steel shot 2 3/4" cartridges are all I have used in my 1954 A5 since steel became law back in the 1960's. My Browning 12ga full choke did o k with those early steel loads. Then about 1980 I bought a skeet choked A5 barrel and noticed a better kill rate then with the full choke barrel. Last...
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    Found shells

    LL Bean usually has a good supply of most ammo. They don't ship or advertise there ammo. They also don't gouge on price.