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  1. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Just finished cutting my wire pieces. What did the rest of you do with the leftover .24 miles of electric fencing wire?
  2. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Will get going on bulkeads later this week, and once I have those cut, edges primed, and centered and squared up on my strongback, I'll loft the panels. A few days of curing should be good for them.
  3. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Well 4 pieces of 4x8 are now 2 pieces of 4x16. Did the work on the floor, on top of a piece of 3/4" ply I had. Laid 2 pieces out, screwed one down to the base ply, got the other lined up just right and marked the edges. Flipped and "primed", then added thickened epoxy. Flipped again...
  4. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    I've been telling myself cutting bulkheads is next, but think I'm just trying to delay the glue-up. I suspect I'll bond these pieces today. Will report back (if I'm not personally epoxied to the floor).
  5. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Got my scarfing joints done today. Was a little aggressive with my planer and chipped some edges, but the sheets were 8'3" long so I had a bit to play with and was able to recover.
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  7. H

    Gatorboats still selling plans?

    Thread 'In search of gatorboats " duckhunter "'
  8. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Thanks Neal, really like the idea! I started looking around at trolling motors the other day just for the fun of it - unbelievable how capable they are now (and how expensive!). Fortunately I'm months away from needing one so can keep my eyes open for deals - but bet I could figure out how to...
  9. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    You and Tod convinced me - I ordered some last night!
  10. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Thanks Richard! I have and prefer a metal scraper - at least for woodworking. The disadvantage is they don't hold a burr as well, the advantage is they are much easier to sharpen when they lose the burr. I may feel differently after using it on epoxy.
  11. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Well, I did do something productive today other than accepting delivery of wood and kabitzing on the forum... made some fileting sticks. I'll try to remember at the end of the project to tally the $s as I've seen periodic posts with questions about costs and budgets - but in case I forget...
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  13. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Wait, I can't have cocktails WHILE I'm working?
  14. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    He had suggested in his book a 10-20% angle... my first test was closer to 10°, and I wasn't being extremely careful. The combination resulted in a good bit of fraying, particularly while wetting (and I used too much epoxy and worked it too hard). I test-cut some scraps closer to 45° and it...
  15. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    For the inside of the hull and side joints, he calls for either biax or cloth cut on the bias. I have a local source for biax, so wanted to experiment with cutting the cloth as it is so much less expensive. I need to experiment some more on my scrap/practice joint, but suspect I'll end up...
  16. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Back to the boat and my epoxy/glass "practice"... I know I'll enjoy the woodworking part of the build, but the resin and glass part may have to grow on me. Rather than tape, I bought a roll of fiberglass cloth to both cut strips and to sheath the hull. I practiced with a few strips yesterday -...
  17. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Thanks Tod and William! Yes, I like your mini console and have been thinking about something like that - and may plagiarize it directly. Looks perfectly functional and minimalist. Similarly, I'm thinking through removable grab handle ideas - maybe a way to use a pushpole in a recessed "dock"...
  18. H

    HDPE boat

    That boat could get a man in trouble.
  19. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    That's a serious power harness! I'll probably put in a single transducer, but it will mainly be for depth. The fishing I'd use this boat for would mostly be poling and sight fishing for reds in the marsh, so I'm not planning to rig it with fancy fish-finders. Thanks for the tips, will get...
  20. H

    2025 Devlin Snow Goose Thread

    Thanks for the Redodo recommendation, their prices are good enough to take a chance on. Now I need to read up on wiring, fuse boxes, and switches. Good thing this will be a simple boat with limited electronics!