Search results

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    New England Birds....

    Awesome display Phil. Help me know what the bird in the middle is. RVZ
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    New TDB 14 Classic Owner - Transom Reinforcement Advice

    Nicholas, All the above is good advice. I purchased a new 14 Classic from Tom Kondroick in 1993 built in Bristol Maine. The boat is completely original and kept garaged except when hunting. I ran a 15 Johnson on mine untill 3 years ago when I purchased a new 25 Yamaha 4 stroke. The way it...
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    Was thinking about you the other day. I was up in the attic geting my goose decoys down and ran across a rig of six mallards you carved and sold on the forum. You were offering them as singles or a complete rig. I bought the rig. You indicated they were used to film an outdoor show. I would like...
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    Last day. NJ

    Jode, Do you normally shoot Teal this time of year in your area? Looks like an odd one in that bunch. RVZ
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    What's on the bench? January 2024

    Hey Dave, Great looking Butterballs. Do you use the same heads for the hens and drakes?
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    Last Hunt of 23

    Nice paint job on the hens. RVZ
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    Season report

    Allen, I don't know where you are located, but you are welcome in my boat blind any time. RVZ
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    Tampa Bay Migration Report November 7, 2023

    Carl, Southern Michigan is starting too see a trickle of divers. No flight mallards or big ducks showing up yet. Buffies are here in small numbers, a few Redhead and Bluebill. Last thursday my take was two drake mallards and real nice Bluebill. It was a greater as indicated by the wings. RVZ
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    Online Outboards?

    Jeff, I have no experience with on line outboards. Electric start would be nice but power trim and tilt would be even better. I just purchased a 25 Yamaha four stroke two years ago for my TDB and wish I would have optioned the power trim and tilt. RVZ
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    BEHR Paint colors - CINNAMON TEAL

    Steve, I really apppreciate your posts for the different species colors. Behr paint samples are getting harder to acquire from Home Depot in my area. I am preparing to repair and repaint my Buffie rig this spring with your suggested colors for the hens. RVZ
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    Anyone ever see a decoy weight like this before?

    Looks like a Michigan Bobtail. I have seen a few blocks with weights similar. Just a little pricey, not knowing the carver. I wonder how it migrated to NC? RVZ
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    Shooter Lube

    Thanks Eric, I will look into his product if Shooter Lube doesn't come through. RVZ
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    Shooter Lube

    Wondering if anyone on the forum has any experience with this product and their customer service? I ordered the cleaner and lube two weeks ago. Received an order confirmation number via email almost immediately but no shipping date or tracking information. RVZ
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    What's on your Workbench? MARCH 2023

    Steve, I love the way you preserved the stray shot. Looks like a pretty tight pattern. RVZ
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    I always enjoyed his duck related posts and throughly enjoyed following the Rio Grande water level reports. But the Hummingbirds and flower posts were the best. God Bless Al. RVZ
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    Age of banded duck/goose

    Hey Carl, Where in Indiana was the Scaup banded? I live in Elkhart Indiana right on the Michigan border. Just curious. RVZ