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  1. R

    Field hunt

    That is a nice looking field hunt. Never complain about a one goose limit in that setting. We are blessed with a 5 goose limit here in Michigan but rarely try to limit out. The last day of the Michigan split I set up in the ice over full bodies and floaters, shot one Canada that couldn't wait to...
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    Goose subspecies

    Nick, I'm quite sure those are lessers. A Cackling goose is not much larger than a Mallard. They also have a very wedge shaped bill. I shot one many years ago on Saginaw Bay and it was tiny. We shoot lessers in our area and they look like the ones you show. It would be very unusual to shoot one...
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    Eider sightings

    Troy, That photo should make the cover of some outdoor magazile. Unless you don't want to be that famous. I shot some Boss ammo to close out the second split for the Michigan south zone. It is pretty amazing stuff. Goldeneye over an open water rig are usually a shoot and chase proposition. Not...
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    The Old Town 119 Penetrates the Swamp!

    Nothing like sliding quietly through the creek. I'm not a deer hunter, but a rack hunter. Shed antlers and retrieved antlers from unrecovered deer along our creek woods. Rarely do I find a nice rack. One broken off, one missing or a really unique headgear. Nice hunt and story. RVZ
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    Paint Charts for Wigeons

    Good Morning Steve, I just checked my paint supply from Home Depot to rehab my hen Buffies. They are in need of some attention. My plan is to repaint my entire rig this winter both drakes and hens. I was able to reference your website for colors and schemes. Thank you for providing this...
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    Keva thought I was watching Frozen. Awesome adventure. What was your ammo? RVZ
  7. R

    Breaking out the diver decoy stash

    Bob, That is an awesome rig of mixed diver decoys. When you assemble, paint and rig your own blocks it's so satisfying to hunt over them. Love the Buffies! RVZ
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    Wing Survey

    Brad, That was a very informative article you wrote for DU. As for the envelope shortage, I threw my leftover envelopes away from last year. I assumed they were serial numbered for each user. RVZ
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    Wing Survey

    Cody, I did a written survey the last two years for Indiana only. I hope the information we send in helps with whatever they are looking for. Maybe a cross reference to the HIP survey we take when purchasing our license. RVZ
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    Wing Survey

    Blake, I hope you get a few hunts in to. I think this drought has affected our entire migration this year. I have been hunting ducks for forty years and this years migration is the strangest one yet. I"m on the Indiana / Michigan border. RVZ
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    Wing Survey

    Eric, I ordered 30 to begin the season and received 10, then ordered another 30 and received 20, I am currently out of envelopes. Good luck with your season. RVZ
  12. R

    Wing Survey

    Is anyone else participating in the Department Of The Interior Harvest Surveys? This is my third year so I assume my last for a while. I send wings from ducks and tail feathers and wing tips from geese. RVZ
  13. R

    Alumacraft Ducker kayak paddle

    I don't own one either and can't say how it would paddle but would really like to have one just to look at and wonder the adventures these boats have been on during their lifetime. Enjoy that iconic piece of waterfowl history. RVZ
  14. R Needs Your Support

    Eric, My check is in the mail today. Thank ou for keeping this great site going. I check in everyday. Rod VanZile
  15. R

    Long Island Duck Boat & Waterfowl Show 2022 42nd Annual

    Anthony, 121 views and no replys. So here is mine. I thank you for posting the information for hunters in your localtion. I live in Indiana but would help support your show if I could. I hope it's a good one. RVZ
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    Hurricane Ian

    Dani, One thing is for certain, it will come back. Thanks for sharing. RVZ
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    Hurricane Ian

    Carl, Could you please keep us updated as much as you can. My daughter and her husband live in Tampa. They are a mile and a half from Old Tampa Bay and Hillsborough Bay. I feel like I should pack my 4 Runner with my construction tools and head down from Indiana for the clean up. Be safe. Rod V.
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    Duck Numbers Not Like I hoped

    Brad, It"s interesting to see "harvest pressure declining over the years" mentioned. I have never heard this before. Is this a new variable considered for season dates and bag limits? I know in my area Covid brought duck hunters out in large numbers. It seems that anyone with a boat filled it...
  19. R

    Layout hunting open water with a Stealth 2000?

    Very good advice Larry. RVZ
  20. R

    Gun Chocks et cetera for Blinds

    Beautiful country Steve. You are truly blessed with nature and talent. RVZ