Hurricane Ian

Good luck Carl.

Got some crazy buddies going diving out of Pensacola this weekend with this? they say fishing is always better. They?re after the big fish
I am some 400 miles north of where Ian made landfall I think. Ian has even affected our tides up here. Normally low tide brings water levels maybe 15 ft or so from the grass line. Really low tides perhaps 25. Tonight it was more like 150 yards


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We got lucky, simply no other way to put it.
Never lost power for more than a few minutes. No damage. Just lots of branches and twigs to clean up.

But our luck means other people we unlucky. Very unlucky.
From Venice south, things are horrible.
Fort Meyers and Sannibel Island especially.
Glad to hear from you Carl.

Folk I know impacted by Ian all made it through with relatively little damage or effect.
Rod VanZile said:
One thing is for certain, it will come back. Thanks for sharing.


It did come back. I didn't get to see it come back but I was back there last night to see the conditions and the water had come back.



Pretty fascinating stuff.
sill raining here from the leftovers. Over four inches of rain so far and it is supposed to hang around until some time manana..Just thankful it is NOT SNOW!
Hurricanes are truly bizarre.

There Carl is, almost in the middle of that monster, and he doesn't even lose power.

I am up in Raleigh. We had 40-50 mph winds for about 8 hours.

We lost power for 26 hours.

Fortunately, we have a 7500 watt generator and an Interlock switch on one of our panels. No problem.

We pray for the many who lost homes and loved ones.

I live in cape Coral stayed during storm no storm surge where I live although water came up thru the storm sewers and flooded our street knee deep.
Very bad damage to barrier islands. Fort Myers beach pretty much destroyed. Sanibel same. My friend who lives up the river near Midpoint bridge had the water rise in his canal enough to float his 27' boat off his lift. 10 to 12 " storm surge. Probably three miles up river from gulf. Downtown Fort Myers further up the river had three feet. Many people who own older homes may not be able to repair them if they were built prior to 1981. must meet new codes.
We were lucky to have shingles missing and pool cage damage. Unbelievable storm. Lasted 8-9 hours equal to E4 tornado. Lost power for 9 days.

Glad you made it through ok, I was watching video on YouTube of drive on Fort Myers Beach taken a few days ago and as you said it is pretty much destroyed.

Glad you came through relatively unscathed.

You are correct, many of the homes that were destroyed/substantially damaged will have to be rebuilt to code and base flood elevations.
And all the old trailer park communities that were flooded will most likely no be able to meet new zoning, building and flood elevation codes.
Most of them will be cleared and most likely be redeveloped.

Hard to hear that so many people in these trailer parks had no insurance and lost everything.
But then the risk that this would eventually happen was pretty clear.
Affordable housing will now be even harder for people to find.
Well we rode it out in Ft.Myers and the storm was worse than I thought it would be. Went to work normally Tuesday and since I have a terrible distrust for the media that I thought they were over-sensationalizing it. So did everyone else for the most part. Needless to say my In-Laws house was flooded to a perfect depth for hunting, around a couple feet. The rest of us did okay with just superficial damage. Rigged up a generator to cover the bases for a few days. Pretty impressed with how people handled the recovery. Here's a pic with proper Florida-Man shirt and kids in pajamas mid-day. Had a little guilt free fun before getting the accounts of the most severious damages & death. Getting back to normal now...

The Blackbellies behind my house lost many of their perch trees. Vinyl fences come apart nicely in a strong wind. Flying shingles generally do not follow a consistent trajectory. Finally, climbing ladders to save light fixtures mid-hurricane is quite dangerous as a solo endeavor. Just a couple tips or little things I noticed...


There were Chinooks & Blackhawks around regularly for at least a week.
