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    Duck Hunter Surveys

    Thank you Eric
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    Duck Hunter Surveys

    I'm curious to see how many of the members here participated in a Federal or State waterfowl survey this year. I was asked to track my hunting days and harvest numbers, both duck and goose for Indiana only. Also wondering what they do with the data collected. RVZ
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    Question Mr Sanford

    David, My only experience with fiberglass and resins was a long time ago, 1988. I purchased a two man scull boat kit from Lou Tische and assembled it at work in a custom van conversion paint shop. The guys painted it open water grey for me. RVZ
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    Question Mr Sanford

    Thanks again Steve. My 72"s were barely used and in fine shape. I think they were purchased 20 years ago from a guy in southern Michigan. All Mallards, rigged on long lines. Go figure? RVZ
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    Question Mr Sanford

    Thank you Steve, I followed your paint process last summer for a rig of13 Goldeneye, at least as far as my painting ability would allow. I did one Herters 72 with the latex paint / sawdust mixture that held up quite well. The rest of the rig was urethane foam of the Lou Tisch variety. I would...
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    Question Mr Sanford

    I have followed your rehab process for some time. The workmanship and final results are amazing and the willingness to share are greatly appreciated. One really dumb question. What is epoxy, and what is thickened epoxy? Is it something you buy? RVZ
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    Wood Duck nesting box - material?

    Ken, I never considered protecting the roof. Always thought the box had to be natural material. Great idea because the roof deteriorates faster than the rest of the box. RVZ
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    Wood Duck nesting box - material?

    Bruce, 1x12 pine boards will work. Although they don't last as long. I would not use any kind of stain or sealer on the pine boards. RVZ
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    Decoy ID for the gurus

    Mark, I have a hen Bufflehead I picked up at the Pointe Mouillee festival a number of years ago. It was carved by Thircul Church from Port Dover, Ontario. Are you familiar with him or his decoys? RVZ
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    TDB Classic

    It's easier than crawling off the floor of a sneakbox. RVZ
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    Shotgun recomendations

    Neal, I could have written this post 2 years ago. I have shot Remington's my entire life. Owned an 870 Special Purpose that was worked hard and worn out. Two years ago I purchased a Remington Versa Max and absolutely love it. However, I have to admit, the vintage 1100 gets a lot of work as...
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    Miscellaneous Decoy Repairs

    I think Mr Strohmeier downwinded the other three rigs in his Herter's testimonial. Incredible work as always. RVZ
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    Season recap...

    Nice recap Tod, That is one good looking dog. Our season was slow for ducks as well. South Michigan has a late split in January for two days. I was able to get out the last day and ended the season with a triple on Goldeneye. They are beautiful. Have never shot a Barrows. That's a lot of bling...
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    Do you carve Shorebirds? MARCH 5 LIDCA SHOW in Hauppauge, Long Island

    Steve, I made an attempt at carving one shorebird long ago. I do have a couple carved by Bill Walker who hails from the great lakes region. He would always donate a couple to our local Ducks Unlimited banquet. Met him at the Pointe Mouillee waterfowl festival in Rockwood Michigan. Have you ever...
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    Maine 2021/22 photo dump... hope you enjoy.

    Troy, You certainly hunt some beautiful territory. RVZ
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    Thanks to Steven Sanford

    What a great resource Steve put together for decoy painting. I used Steve's tutorial for a dozen Goldeneye I rehabbed two summers ago. Easy to follow and they turned out fabulous. Not because of my painting skills, but, because of Steve's easy to follow process. I thank you again Steve for...
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    For a limited time only...

    Thank you for the correction on the spelling of Barbeau Michigan. It was the first banded goose I shot. Banded 7-3-86 recovered 10-10-86. Banded by M Stratz near Barbeau Michigan. Maybe you know him, he was out of Lansing? RVZ
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    What's on the bench? January 2022

    Dani, Indiana and Michigan both have separate limits for Mergansers. A limit of 5 but only 2 can be hooded. We are seeing more hoodie flocks here on the border. RVZ
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    For a limited time only...

    Interesting story Rick, In the early eighties we shot two banded geese with consecutive numbers on a small lake in northern Indiana. They were banded in Barboo Michigan. Which I believe is in the UP. We have three populations of Canada geese here. The local giant goose population, the...
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    Pic from earlier this week.

    Great photo Bob, Could you share some info on that magic clamp hooked to the tree? interesting piece of equipment. RVZ