Below is my season recap, a couple of the first pics are reposts here of Beaver's first retrieves, but otherwise it is all new stuff (unless you follow me on Instagram: Tod Osier on Instagram).
The season was a slow one here according to nearly everyone I talked to - including other hunters, the local warden and the state biologist. I did pretty well considering and enjoyed my season far more than many I've had. Hunting with Beaver has been an absolute pleasure and I only expect it to get better.
The young 'un had his first real hunt in October. We had a good day, I had scouted the previous day and found the motherlode of ducks for CT, but they flew the coop overnight. I was able to scratch out a couple, but it was slow.
First retrieve, Beaver is on his way.
Beast with his birds from his first day.
Had another slow, but good day the next day. He started the day with a nice 60 yard real big boy retrieve. He could use some work in the style department and this is not the best photo, but gave a glimmer of what would make it an even better day.
I really enjoyed watching him figure out how the hunting worked, this duck dog thing is hard for a young 'un.
Hero shot with jewelry. Called the band in and it was a local bird, but at least 4 years old. Third retrieve, first band.
I got a nice rut-crazed buck during archery. Big bodied deer at 180 pounds.
Deer had been in a serious accident at some point, face was twisted with signs of broken bones and messed up musculature in the rear end. Nice wide deer, crossbow bolt is 20".
Slow days made for good learning. Beaver took his first in field hand signal to this duck.
Got Gus out a couple times between school activities.
Slow pick on a cold day.
Turned that pair of black ducks into carnitas, which was really a fun experiment. Brined and smoked the two ducks in the morning and then braised with some pork belly all day.
Pulling the duck.
After browning.
Final product with queso fresco, salsa fresca, homemade corn tortillas. I'm a big fan of homemade corn tortillas, super easy and great.
Setup for goldeneyes one day and shot a neat double, two immatures - one a Common and one a Barrow's. Beaver's first real big boy double in big water.
I believe that the last time I got a Barrow's was well over 20 years ago in Washington.
Nice pair of Blacks.
Pair of brant.
First coastal black, stud bird.
Snowgoose and Beaver.
Tore some shit up.
Broke a tooth on a TSS pellet in turkey.
Took a turn too tight and put the trailer through a ditch.
Oops, went through a couple props this year. This one was brand new (newly refurbished) that day.
Getting down to the coast along with the rock hazards for the boat, there is the ever-present sharp oyster.
Lotta sunrises.
Sweet day in the band department.
Coming in I could see bands and hear jingling, but I was confused. I saw orange then green.
Hot diggity dog, sporting some gaudy-ass New Yawk-style costume jewelry.
Last day birds. The weather had been awful with high winds the previous days, but I was able to sneak out to one of my favorite spots and get my brant before the wind picked up too bad.
Last day, putting the boat in the barn. 19 seasons on the boat - big thanks to (which wasn't then) for the inspiration and help all those years ago.
The season was a slow one here according to nearly everyone I talked to - including other hunters, the local warden and the state biologist. I did pretty well considering and enjoyed my season far more than many I've had. Hunting with Beaver has been an absolute pleasure and I only expect it to get better.
The young 'un had his first real hunt in October. We had a good day, I had scouted the previous day and found the motherlode of ducks for CT, but they flew the coop overnight. I was able to scratch out a couple, but it was slow.
First retrieve, Beaver is on his way.

Beast with his birds from his first day.

Had another slow, but good day the next day. He started the day with a nice 60 yard real big boy retrieve. He could use some work in the style department and this is not the best photo, but gave a glimmer of what would make it an even better day.

I really enjoyed watching him figure out how the hunting worked, this duck dog thing is hard for a young 'un.

Hero shot with jewelry. Called the band in and it was a local bird, but at least 4 years old. Third retrieve, first band.

I got a nice rut-crazed buck during archery. Big bodied deer at 180 pounds.

Deer had been in a serious accident at some point, face was twisted with signs of broken bones and messed up musculature in the rear end. Nice wide deer, crossbow bolt is 20".

Slow days made for good learning. Beaver took his first in field hand signal to this duck.

Got Gus out a couple times between school activities.

Slow pick on a cold day.

Turned that pair of black ducks into carnitas, which was really a fun experiment. Brined and smoked the two ducks in the morning and then braised with some pork belly all day.

Pulling the duck.

After browning.

Final product with queso fresco, salsa fresca, homemade corn tortillas. I'm a big fan of homemade corn tortillas, super easy and great.

Setup for goldeneyes one day and shot a neat double, two immatures - one a Common and one a Barrow's. Beaver's first real big boy double in big water.


I believe that the last time I got a Barrow's was well over 20 years ago in Washington.

Nice pair of Blacks.

Pair of brant.

First coastal black, stud bird.

Snowgoose and Beaver.

Tore some shit up.
Broke a tooth on a TSS pellet in turkey.

Took a turn too tight and put the trailer through a ditch.

Oops, went through a couple props this year. This one was brand new (newly refurbished) that day.

Getting down to the coast along with the rock hazards for the boat, there is the ever-present sharp oyster.

Lotta sunrises.

Sweet day in the band department.

Coming in I could see bands and hear jingling, but I was confused. I saw orange then green.

Hot diggity dog, sporting some gaudy-ass New Yawk-style costume jewelry.

Last day birds. The weather had been awful with high winds the previous days, but I was able to sneak out to one of my favorite spots and get my brant before the wind picked up too bad.

Last day, putting the boat in the barn. 19 seasons on the boat - big thanks to (which wasn't then) for the inspiration and help all those years ago.

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