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  1. J

    Guided Hunts

    Looking to do a guided hunt around the 2nd week of December with my son in the following states. TX, OK, KS, or MO. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John
  2. J

    Solid copper rivets / push pole

    I would use a stainless bolt and a lock nut. I have the same push pole and that's what I did. Where did you find that style of push pole head?
  3. J

    Does anybody remember the Rocky Point Resort Hunt

    Wasn?t Rocky Point an amusement park in Warwick Rhode Island?
  4. J

    This is disturbing

    And I thought NJ was bad
  5. J

    New boat, need battery help

    This is what I use for my E-Tec 25 weighs about 24lbs.
  6. J

    What is in your bag? December 2020

    Finally had a good afternoon
  7. J

    Converting a manual start outboard to electric - Yamaha F40

    I converted over my E-Tec 25 to an electric start too about 3 years ago. I have yet to put a charger to my battery. The motor should have a magneto system that should charge the battery while the motor is running. One thing that helped was I changed over all my lights to LED so they draw less...
  8. J

    Thinking of moving, but where?

    Right there with you Rob. I too live in NJ. The wife and I just went riding thru SD, WY, MT, and MN about 3 weeks ago. Looking for the same for when I retire. I told her somewhere out there is where I want the EOL( end of life) to be. Just not in NJ. Besides, most roads are 80mph!!!. I believe...
  9. J

    Trailer bearings?

    When installing them be sure to use a torque wrench so that way you will never have to worry about one coming loose. Been doing them like that for 30+ years. Use either timken or sks bearings
  10. J

    Shotgun of Choice?

  11. J

    How was everyone dealing with this virus scare?

    I live in south jersey and happen to work for one of those companies that have been labeled as "essential" I wind up traveling all over the northeast staying for a week at a time in all different hotels. I used to go out and eat everyday but since this has all happened, I bring food from home...
  12. J

    96 15hp Suzuki?

    I had a DT25 on the back of my boat. It was a 94 I think. It was a little heavy for it being a 3cyl but boy you could hear it from miles away. Sounded like an old RM250 running wide open in a meadow.
  13. J

    Fly wheel won?t pull

    Try using a little heat. Get it warm enough then spray WD40 where the shaft comes thru. That will help it loosen up some. Used to do that with brake lines that would not come. Keep the pressure on it with the puller on it
  14. J

    Air Impact Wrench Question???

    You could get away with a cordless impact. I have a snap on 3/8 18v cordless and use it every day. I use it on everything form exhaust manifolds, turbos, alternators on class 8 vehicles
  15. J

    What was your first Duck

    Black duck Raritan Bay South Amboy NJ 14 years old with my trusty BPS pump
  16. J

    Some day I will sleep until the alarm goes off....

    Congrats on your first goose. Here in NJ we are over run with them.
  17. J

    Question for the Duck boss (and similar style boats) owners that have flapper boards

    I made a motor cover for mine out of the synthetic grass. I made it bushy enough to help fill the void
  18. J

    Winter project thoughts....

    Ed These are the dimensions on mine. I have had mine since new built back in 2012 Overall length...12'6" Cockpit length...74 1/2 inches Cock pit width front...29 inches Cock pit width rear right before motor well...33 1/2 Cock pit height front...17 1/2 Cock pit height rear right before motor...
  19. J

    "Transom Saver" on a sneakbox rig

    I use one every time I trailer my Roy boat
  20. J

    Robert is in Jersey !!

    With the way our waters are he might move on with that special "Glow" to him..