Air Impact Wrench Question???


Staff member
So, still working on getting my motor fixed so I can hunt this weekend, have a question:

Will my 3 gallon, 120 PSI pancake compressor have enough juice to run a 3/8" impact wrench (4 CFM @ 90 PSI) long enough to break the flywheel bolt free?
Just need to break it free, not run the wrench for more than that.

You really should only need the first 3-4 second jolt. I've only had to really hit things for 4-5 seconds with an impact usually. What I would do is try hitting the center bolt with a mallet (not terribly hard) after each impact hit. It usually helps the process along.
as has already been said it should only take just an initial burst to break that nut loose if it takes longer than that you got more problems

I would likely drip some Kroil or Break Free into the bolt to soak into the threads to help break it loose. I prefer Kroil...awesome stuff. I'd let it sit for a while before using the impact wrench.

I am probably overly cautious, but flames around engines scare me....just because I know how oily my engines can be. Heat certainly has helped break loose some stubborn choke tubes and can lids so I imagine that some heat applied to the bolts would help as well. But like I said....I am probably overly cautious on that...

I am with you on the heat. Scares me as well. It's great but if he goes that route I would keep a fire extinguisher handy.
In regards to situation at hand, the only reason for the impact wrench, is the lack of a good way to hold the flywheel when loosening the bolt. Using the impact will allow the mass of the flywheel to counter act the driving force of the impact wrench.

The bolt probably is only torqued to about 30 inch pounds, which is nothing. There should be no reason to suspect that it is rusted, corroded, cross threaded or otherwise impaired from simply spinning right off when hit with the impact wrench. This not a large diameter bolt, most likely 8 or 9 MM threads.

Typically the nut or bolt will be completely backed off before one has a chance to release the trigger on the impact wrench. It's not the same as say removing a lug nut on a 10 ton dump truck with dual's.
You could get away with a cordless impact. I have a snap on 3/8 18v cordless and use it every day. I use it on everything form exhaust manifolds, turbos, alternators on class 8 vehicles