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  1. D

    UN gun treaty- NDR

    The UN gun treaty is supposedly aimed at the 60 billion dollar international gun trade world wide. But most in the know say it is a end around shot at private gun owership in the USA. Yesterday, the president and Mrs. Clinton were given outright refusal to anything the UN had on the table that...
  2. D

    who do we owe a thanks to?

    Wow, its threads like this that really make you think. I guess I would have to thank the pages of Outdoor Life magazine that got me started. As a kid growing up in the sixtys and early seventys I coulden't wait for the next month publication to come out. Took my first mallard, a hen with a bolt...
  3. D

    Frontline or k9 advantix???

    In past years I have used Frontline but in some areas where the ticks are bad it was like putting gravy on the dog.( I did about 20 marks in a local field one night and pulled over two and a half dozen ticks off my pup, I found three dug in two days later)) My vet gave me a product called...
  4. D

    Poison Ivy anyone?

    When I worked for a tree service, we used a product called "Tecnu Extreme" it was a poison Ivy scrub. The rash you get from poison Ivy is caused by the oil the plant produces on its leaves(urushiol). The scrub removes the oil, and stops the itch and burn for a while but you use a lot of it. The...