NDR - trapping question

Ryan Werden

Well-known member
I've had the good fortune of having a family of groundhogs move into my neighborhood. It appears that they do not like my yard and have decided to rearrange it. I need to get rid of these guys. I have little kids in the yard so I don't want to set any lethal type traps. Was thinking of buying a haveahart trap and set it up near one of their holes.

Anyone have any bait suggestions or approach experience with these fella's?

I wish Dave Parks was my neighbor!

Sure a box trap will work. Woodchucks are veggie eaters so bait with something like carrots, broccolli, etc. BTW I know from personal experience that one woodchuck can take down a whole row of broccolli. If they won't go in the trap you can try covering the trap with branches, etc. to simulate an open ended tunnel. The covering will make them feel safe but they need to be able to see out the other end. Good luck, they can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. I hear the younger ones are good eating.
don't know if it works i choot um i've heard you put a laxative in the hole they eat it and will not sleep where they poop good luck
trapping woodchucks can be easy....or very frustrating, it's hard to give them a more attractive bait then the stuff they get to pick from your garden. The most effective is a 160 style body grip snugged into the hole, these are lethal traps and will catch cats and small dogs if they are inclined to investigate the hole, Children are not a problem, show them what happens to a stick stuck into a set trap and they shouldn't mess with it after that.
If your set on a box trap, and they won't go in after the bait, dig a small patch of earth UNDER the trap and plant some string bean seeds so that the seedlings grow through the floor into the trap, do this alongside one of their trails so they have to practically stumble across it, it's hard for them to resist bean seedlings. :), or....just shoot them.
I have used apple cut in pieces and had good results....I don't like the havaharts that I have used, find the ones trappers use. They are built a little stronger. Be sure to stake them down...
I've been catching lots of animals (Woodchuck, Skunk, Rabbits and others) with a live trap and NO bait. I merely set the live trap up in areas they walk. Since most of these rodents are "edge walkers", I set it along the edge of the house, garage or at the end of a log pile with a runway under it and I constantly catch stuff. Very effective.
Thanks everyone. The box trap is the way I'll go. Like I said, I have little kids an there are other pets in the area that I wouldn't want to risk a lethal trap. I read earlier that cantaloupe is a good lure so I may give that or some apples a go. Keep y'all posted.
I have an animal control business and catch tons of ground hogs each week. If you have easy access to the den entrance buy a double door trap and place the trap right in the entrance of the hole. This way you can catch them coming or going. You may have to dig down some to keep the trap level....then place some small pieces of ply around the mouth of the trap and the entrance of the hole to prevent the ground hog from squeezing out between the trap and the den entrance. Also place some dirt in the trap to cover the wire floor. *Make sure there is no dirt under the pan of the trap.

If you cannot reach the den then use cut up chunks of canalope inside the trap and place the trap near where he comes out from under the porch. Again, put some dirt in the trap to cover the wire floor. If in the sun place a piece of ply wood or card board on top to provide shade.

Easy stuff. Good luck. PM me if you have any questions.

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