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  1. jehler

    Outboard power advice

    i don't own a 20 footer but have outfitted quite a few. if I was selling the rig i would push for a 115. a 75 will get you around but with a full load you will be working her pretty hard. I like to power a boat so that it will perform the way you want without having to be much over 3800 rpm's...
  2. jehler

    Present from my son...

    Thanks, he helped cut down the cedar for the block and the maple for the keels a year before he built it and then helped split the 8 foot logs with wedges so they would dry better. he is getting to be quite the worker, been building tip ups and spearing decoys lately. He is dieing to go...
  3. jehler

    Present from my son...

    Sitting in my office doing paperwork today so naturaly I am doing everything and anything other than what I am supposed to be doing... Got to looking at this block on the shelve and thought some of you guys might enjoy it, this is my sons first block to carve without help. I don't do much...
  4. jehler

    Merganser sausage

    i'm out of duck meat and venison already but i'll try this with just pork, my favorite breakfast is chiliquiles with chorizo and runny eggs, I'll have to try it with linguisa
  5. jehler

    Merganser sausage

    This sounds delicious, is it anything like choriso?
  6. jehler

    Floor repair questions - long

    as far as a ledger around the outside, i have done both, dpending on the severity of rot, construction of the boat and the budget. as far as being tight, a good question for an expert. even then you'll get opinions im sure. ours were never perfect but trimmed as close to perfect as was...
  7. jehler

    Floor repair questions - long

    I'll second the vinyl ester resin on the top deck. we used west system only for the repiars below where bonding was critical but on the top decks always regular resin. I remeber a customer arguing with my service manager, he was upset we didn't use epoxy for a fiberglass repair on a small ding...
  8. jehler

    They WERE all new!!!

    I'll eat a scoter over a greenhead, teal or wood duck any day of the week. have yet to shoot an eider.....I'll have to get back to you on that
  9. jehler

    Floor repair questions - long

    Ed, It has been a few years (20 ish) since i was the low man on the totem pole at a full service marina, being the low man bought me the experience of removing and prepping for repair a few boats similiar to yours. I did not do the actual repairs and reglassing back then, just the demo and...
  10. jehler

    FA Canvasback decoys

    to be honest, i have never liked the looks of my g &h blocks, the head stands so tall and proud. i really like the resting and other positions the ghg and fa offer but they just don't hold up. the birds don't seem to mind the g&h, I guess i'm just an easy mark?
  11. jehler

    FA Canvasback decoys

    dave, i bought 2 dozen FA bills on clearance last fall, i only hunted a dozen times this season and i have 6 of them out of commision. 3 of them leaked and sank right out of the box. they have a little spot in the binger where it looks like the injection process takes place, they leaked there...
  12. jehler

    Well another duck season has come and gone

    I spent ten years of my youth near titusville florida, haven't been back since 1993 or so, your pictures sure stirred a lot of memories! thanks
  13. jehler

    some pictures from the season

    funny how the grass is always greener lol I have never seen a hen with the white patch, probably an old girl loosing her hormones?
  14. jehler

    Tim got me thinking................

    it was a great season, and thanks for the opurtunity. a slow season, my son and i only got to hunt a dozen times and took no more than 90 birds but man did we have a good time when we were out, wouldn't trade it!
  15. jehler

    Tim got me thinking................

    Hi Tim, My Name is John Ehlers, from Traverse City MI. I think i hunted over one of your decoys this season as part of a traveling block from another forum. This guy look familiar? Nice to meet the man behind the decoy. i enjoyed your memories, similar to mine, i was the only hunter in the...
  16. jehler

    some pictures from the season

    nice pictures. we shoot a lot of blacks and whitewings, not many surfs but don't get many with the nice plummage, very jealous! the spinner, that works for the scoter?
  17. jehler

    NDR: Gun safes

    I have a heritage safe and have no complaints.
  18. jehler

    scattered shots

    Sarge, i was looking at the 70-200 2.8L, not gonna happen this year as I have already blown the fun budget on boat and fishing gear but thats the one i was saving for. I was thinking it would still be a good portrait lens as well as a decent telephoto with a 1.5 or 2x doubler, you have any...
  19. jehler

    How cold is it at your house this morning?

    a balmy 8 degrees down here under the bridge, a little colder inland i think, the bays still keeping us warm here in tc
  20. jehler

    some pix from my season

    good stuff! I already went upstairs and heckled him "hey dev, the swamper thinks your a girl" he grinned and took it like an Ehlers