Search results

  1. Ramsey Schrader

    May, Time for a new "Whats on your workbench?"

    Surf Scoter pickleweed, odd but fun to do
  2. Ramsey Schrader

    Sad yet happy day at the McCann household

    Wow... sorry to hear that. Dog stories just get to me quickly.
  3. Ramsey Schrader

    Rikon bandsaw

    Thanks guys. I think anything is a step up from what I'm using. I really don't have to replace the one but I need more capacity.
  4. Ramsey Schrader

    Rikon bandsaw

    Anyone tried these yet? I looked at them yesterday and they are very reasonable in price. I have been using a cheap Reliant for better than 12 yrs. It is still running but I need something a little bigger. The Deltas are insane expensive. I know they are nice, but the reality is that as long as...
  5. Ramsey Schrader

    Barnacle Goose (no pics)

    There is a possibility that is a wild bird. Way up north a small lateral movement can get you into another flyway.
  6. Ramsey Schrader

    Pics from Worlds 2010

    Thanks, but I didn't have anything in the show this year.
  7. Ramsey Schrader

    Pics from Worlds 2010

    You're welcome. This was in Ocean City, MD this weekend. Always the last full weekend in April. Ward Foundation World Championships.
  8. Ramsey Schrader

    This should tick you off!

    Don't expect everyone to feel the same way you do, it's just looking at the situation from a different point of view.
  9. Ramsey Schrader

    Pics from Worlds 2010

  10. Ramsey Schrader

    Anybody going to The Worlds??

    I'll be down over the weekend. Can't wait!
  11. Ramsey Schrader

    Anybody going to The Worlds??

    I'll be down over the weekend. Can't wait!
  12. Ramsey Schrader

    Need some Ringer photos for carving!

    AJ, You had a bunch of views without any responses and didn't specify flying birds, just that you wanted them for carving. On this site, that seems to be decoys, not flying decoratives. I will concede that my choice of wording wasn't very polite. I lumped you in with a bunch of other people...
  13. Ramsey Schrader

    Need some Ringer photos for carving!

    I know that posting pics for people that won't or can't take the time to search for pictures is a HUGE pet peeve of a lot of people, myself included. Here is a link to get you started though...
  14. Ramsey Schrader

    April what's on you workbench? No fooling

    Hollow cedar brant. Stylized a bit for my gunning rig. Unless it sells. ;) It will be painted in oils.
  15. Ramsey Schrader

    Glueing decoy halves...

    I'm with Lou and George on this one. When I rough out the birds i have the two halves screwed together, and I also leave columns of wood as anchor points for the screws to put the halves back together. Use West System epoxy for the glue, but add the fibers and you will have a glue that...
  16. Ramsey Schrader

    Looking for decoy shops on Rt13 in VA, Maryland or Deleware

    Canvasback Gallery in Easton.
  17. Ramsey Schrader

    Artists that carve ?

    I am an artist turned carver, and hunter. Some early memories of mine are of painting ducks out of the bird books when I was maybe 8 or 9, possibly earlier. I started hunting when I was 11 and by that time was beginning to carve with my dad. He used to take classes with Bll Veasy back in the...
  18. Ramsey Schrader

    It's March What's on your workbench?

    Done and going to Westlake in the morning.