It's March What's on your workbench?

Nice stuff guys,
Kev your birds are really shaping up nice. Must be that new saw! Wink, Wink............

Here's some of the mini's I've been working on. They are about 9" long.

Hope to finish up the Turkey early next week.

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Done and going to Westlake in the morning.




Those minis are great Jode. I can't imagine how you are able to put in the detail so finely on those little things.

The saw is nice. Now all I need is a planer, joiner, belt sander, drum sander etc. etc.

Ramsey, nice work!!!

Finally had a nice afternoon to start on an arctic char. It's very rough yet but hopefully another afternoon and I'll be ready to make some fins for it.

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very anxious to see a ML bob rendition of a mottle in paint. they were our most prevalent bird this year, and I have a goal of getting 6 more done by next season.
With the little one due at any moment I thought I should finally finish the basement bathroom and guest bedroom. We already have a motorhome parked in our front yard and more are on their way! I'm very pleased with the way everything turned out, being a lowly landscaper and all. My 2 part foam arrived last week so now I can take a break from the house and try and pour some dekes, when the baby will allow. :) I know, I'm dreaming right? Hey Steve, I'm running out of time to build my boat for less than a new motor! ;)




can't wait to see it done.......course seeing it done might force me to do the fly in for Char and Ptarmigan.....specially if after you finish this one you've got another one in you.......course I'll need a Ptarmigan carving to go with it......wonder if Keith would be up for a Ptarmigan?

Oh I can always find a chunk of wood with a fish in it. It would be best if I had several nice close up pictures of the chosen subject, you wouldn't need a big new lens for that.
I could still screw up the painting, lots of oranges and reds to mix.

so that I could stay a long way away from the Bears and the Wolves but still get some good pictures.....

And always best for an artist to work the kinks out on a couple ahead of the one he makes for you.......I figure you won't send that to Mike, (and where is that boy anyway), till you get teh paint right.....

Steve, Keith did a Ptarmigan carving a few years ago that was really neat for the worlds... Not really what you had in mind, but you'd like it and you probably haven't seen it. I can't remember what he named it but there were a handful hiding in the snow and he was playing w/ the colors of the sun and stuff like that. Maybe he'll see your interest and post a pic of it.
Steve, Keith did a Ptarmigan carving a few years ago that was really neat for the worlds... Not really what you had in mind, but you'd like it and you probably haven't seen it. I can't remember what he named it but there were a handful hiding in the snow and he was playing w/ the colors of the sun and stuff like that. Maybe he'll see your interest and post a pic of it.

Duane, I agree on that Ptarmigan deal, it was a sun rise deal with them all in purples and greys on a snow drift. One of the coolest things I have ever seen. Keith, if you are reading this, post that one please.
Thanks Keith,

I remember seeing a bunch that were taken of it when you showed it. Really neat to see it again. One of my favorite pieces of all time. Where is it currenly located?
if you hadn't said you wouldn't know that wsn't "natural light" on the piece.......

Keith, what was the size of that piece?
