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  1. Brian F.

    Good to be back - The Broadbill's 22nd season

    Devlin's Broadbill plan, modified slightly with courage obtained from following Eric's original posts of his Scaup 16, some years ago. (dare I say many?) She was built/launched in 2002/2003. Her 22nd season... always kept covered, has had a couple of minor tweaks and cosmetic repairs the past...
  2. Brian F.

    Another birthday decoy - Thanks D.R.!

    This crazy life.... As life tends to do to you with three busy kids, I have not been able to enjoy this site much over the past year or so. I have missed this place too. Nevertheless, as I have done for more than a few years now, I want to acknowledge a very talented decoy carver who is a...
  3. Brian F.

    another year and decoy....

    Happy Birthday son... #10. Oh my how the time flies by quicker with each passing year... This year's birthday decoy was carved and painted by Rich Hohler. Thanks again Rich!! Here too is the collection of birthday decoys in order from the lower left to the top.
  4. Brian F.

    MI Youth Weekend

    A Rich Hohler decoy helped get the job done for G-man this weekend for the MI Youth weekend. That, and a few trips to the sporting clays course in August to help him with his ability and confidence, it sure paid off!! 9 years old with his first ever ducks. I sure hope he remembers this...
  5. Brian F.

    Another birthday duck decoy...

    It seems some of you have been around this site a few years and maybe you follow along with my posts every year. It is hard to believe how the time goes by so quickly... sigh... One more awesome birthday decoy for my son. This years block (hollow cedar painted with oils) was made...
  6. Brian F.

    Spring time in the woods - tom turkeys

    I was invited to hunt turkey on private land, last week. Not a huge challenge since we knew their morning patterns, but still had to be stealthy and sure got to watch a great show before the fireworks put an end to his strutting for the ladies.... The land owner has invited my 8 year old...
  7. Brian F.

    Broadbill all dressed for the season...

    Here is my Devlin Broadbill made up with this year's dress. I used fountain grass right from my yard. The dodger is lined with a water resistant canvas over a PVC frame. Over the canvas I added plastic net/mesh. The canvas and mesh is tied to the grass rails. I made cockpit doors more...
  8. Brian F.

    Birthday decoy

    By now most of the regulars here recall that I give my son a carved decoy for his birthday(s). Every year is a different carver and species of decoy that carver enjoys making the most. This is Garrett's 8th decoy, a ring necked drake made for him expressly this year by Willy McDonald. Another...
  9. Brian F.

    When did Sam add the Scaup 18?

    Well, I admit it's been a few months since I was last reviewing Sam Devlin's website. But, when did he add the Scaup 18 ? It appears to simply be the 16 on steroids??? Brian F.
  10. Brian F.

    Garrett's Birthday decoy - Jason Russell

    For my son's 7th Birthday (this past week) I had asked Jason Russell to carve one of his favorites. I'm thrilled that he did because this drake Gadwall is specatular!! Thanks again Jason! Garrett wanted to go on a hunt for his birthday so we were up early and we had a fun morning watching...
  11. Brian F.

    Happy Birthday Garrett!!

    My son has his 6th birthday this week. Here he is with his 6th decoy, carved and painted by our own Geoff Pike. Thanks Geoff!! The paint job is beautiful.
  12. Brian F.

    hail call to Geoff Pike

    Hi Geoff, I need that birthday decoy this week! Please check your email, and your PM's. Thanks! Brian F.
  13. Brian F.

    Picture Thursday...

    Here are just a couple pictures taken on my recent hunts. My best old girl and best young boy; great companions both.
  14. Brian F.

    Question for the Lk.Ontario hunters...

    Hi All, This goes out to (most likely) the Western New York State hunters, but maybe others might have input as well. I’ve come “hat in hand” with a request for some help from anyone willing to share some hints or help for duck hunting opportunities on Lake Ontario, in western NY State, or on...
  15. Brian F.

    Rutgers, check your PM's.....nm

  16. Brian F.

    Totally DR, how to spend weekends....

    What to do when it's winter and the duck season is over...??? Well, how about taking a carving class with Willy McDonald... This was my first (but not last) carving class, and the first decoy I've ever carved/painted start to finish. Basswood head, tan cork body. No power, just knives and...
  17. Brian F.

    WMI Carvers Duckboats hunt...

    Just want to extend my thank you, out to Paul, and Bryan, for all the work and effort they put into getting the hunt set up for this past Saturday. We cannot control the weather nor the ducks, so we make the best of what we have! I had a fun time all the same and looking forward to a few...
  18. Brian F.

    Garrett's Decoy...

    Happy Birthday Garrett!! Last week we celebrated my son's 5th Birthday and fifth decoy. This year's block was beautifully carved by our own Pat Gregory. Thanks Pat! My son is looking pretty smug with his new block.... I think he knows his collection is going to have a lot more value than...
  19. Brian F.

    picture Monday Part 2

    We finally had a real taste of Spring weather here in Michigan this past weekend. My 2 older kids have been bugging me for fishing poles, their first ones actually as I don't fish. Anyway, we got them each a pole and they practiced casting out in the front lawn Saturday. I had them...
  20. Brian F.

    picture Monday Part 1.

    I have had these pics awhile; just getting them posted now. My daughter (7 yrs) and my son (4 yrs) like to be in the shop with me so I decided it was time they participated in a meaningful project. They were very proud about all the "work". Actually it was good experience for me too...