Hi Steve. Well. Here’s a pic of the batteries and there are two wires in series. I modified a design for kayakers and as I do not have an electric start I did not take that need into consideration. I would be out of my depth attempting to answer your question about oomph for starting an...
I'm not really sure TBH. On my older Bud Miles design with a 15, it goes as fast as I care to go and never thought to clock it. I'll see if I can figure out an app to track it and report back
I finally got around to addressing a nav light issue in the BBIi and inspired by YouTube and kayak videos made this box. It houses two 12 v batteries and is connected to interior lights and navigation lights by two quick disconnects in the back of the box. The box itself has two leds and a phone...
Completely agree. The boat has received its first coating of salt hay, bow to stern. It will never again look as good as it did an hour ago. Mud, feathers, dog scratches, coffee stains, nicks, dings etc await. can't wait...
@Linhardt and @Eric Patterson after speaking with Sam Devlin, he recommended the foam insulation board. Eric and I are on the same page although happened to be blue. I cut it into strips and packed each sponson to the gills. If I need to rehab at some point in the future, I can remove it piece...
Hi Steve, excellent ideas and I did have the chance to admire your boat at the tuckerton show. When I stopped through you were either speaking with someone else, or on walkabout. I would have liked to meet in person and thank you for the ideas and sharing what you've done with your boats. One of...
Mine was built in 2000 so yes on the same timetable. When I built it I had added a couple 1/8 holes in each compartment to deal with possible air expansion under heat. Mine were fairly soaked at the lower levels of foam with some very early (and saveable) rot so I got it in time. I spoke with...
Hi Eric. You are most welcome and happy to be able to provide back to the forum that has provided me so much over the years. I do indeed have the BBIi and took it through a major overhaul the other year. I’ll get some pics together and create a post short story is that after 20 years the...