Search results

  1. J

    Grumman Sport Boat Update

    My family had and heavily used a GSB for about 40 years. I did some of the modifications you are contemplating and wished later that I had left the boat as stock as possible. The only mods I would be interested in now would be a drain plug and possibly a jack plate. I ran a 8HP Mercury.
  2. J

    Whatcha Listening To?

    "That there is some Genghis Khan like revenge." --- Genghis Khan would likely endorse The Hu from Mongolia: Wolf Totem Khun Sureg Enjoy!
  3. J

    Very Interesting Documentary on Louisiana Coastal Habitat Loss

    Thank you Eric for posting this video. Hope all is well. Have a good evening. Jefferson
  4. J

    Very Interesting Documentary on Louisiana Coastal Habitat Loss

    Hi Paul -- I live in New Orleans. Have not posted here in a long time, but I have been around since the earliest days of the site. Katrina was a game changer for certain. Do you still hunt in Venice? That is my preferred place to hunt although I have a fair amount of experience hunting the...
  5. J

    Buying equipment at the right time

    Hi Mark W -- Thank you for your note. All is well. I can only check in here periodically due to a heavy workload and travel. Fortunately, I have been able to hunt a few more times this season and have been looking for the decoy bags mentioned in this thread for future, project decoys. Good luck...
  6. J

    Buying equipment at the right time

    Thank you very much for the information. The bag I found for $49 uses buckles instead of a zipper to secure the top and is a solid color. Have a good evening. Jefferson
  7. J

    Buying equipment at the right time

    I am looking for a good price on the same style and size of bag and would appreciate it very much if you could point me in the direction of the business selling these bags for $39. The best price I have found so far is $49. Thank you very much. Jefferson
  8. J

    when is the right time to bring a new pup into the house?

    I suggest on your wife's birthday or when it is time for your wife to open her Christmas present or Valentine's . . . get the idea?
  9. J

    Melonseed skiff questions

    I hope to be able to follow your progress on the Zypher build --- Thanks for sharing.
  10. J

    Melonseed skiff questions

    Thank you very much for the leads and responses --- I am going through them now and will report back when I am able to undertake the project.
  11. J

    Melonseed skiff questions

    Thank you very much . . . it is great to see your posts and wonderful works. Hope all is well with you and the family. Best, Jefferson
  12. J

    Melonseed skiff questions

    Thank you for the lead on the article. There are numerous Internet references to the Melonseed and a dedicated Yahoo talk group but few references to hunting from a Melonseed. The boats are quite attractive.
  13. J

    Melonseed skiff questions

    Has anyone here hunted from a melonseed skiff? Does anyone here know of any hunter(s) using a melonseed skiff? I have been doing my research on the design and its suitability for specific needs that I have, including relatively light weight and accomodation for two people sailing, fishing, or...
  14. J

    What is the actual point of a possession limit????

    FYI -- For anyone interested in the cases posted in this thread, the Moresi case mentioned in my first post went on to the Louisiana Supreme Court and was reversed. The opinion includes a detailed discussion of the constitutional issues associated with wildlife enforcement officer searches of...
  15. J

    What is the actual point of a possession limit????

    The U.S. Fifth Circuit in the Morgan case explained that "possession" of migatory waterfowl a strict liability issue. I have previously posted and commented on Morgan on this website. My guess is the search function might show that prior discussion, but in any event, here is the citation: U.S...
  16. J

    What is the actual point of a possession limit????

    Me again. I should add that the best way to come up with a fairly definitive answer is to pursue the matter through the U.S. District Court for your area with the assistance of a duck-hunting lawyer.
  17. J

    What is the actual point of a possession limit????

    I rarely post here any more for reasons unrelated to the site. However this inquiry caught my attention. Few reported court opinions address the original question. However, there are two interesting cases that are, in my opinion, worth reading and relate to the subject: U.S. v. Gilkerson...
  18. J

    making a list

    At risk of repeating a few things from above, this is roughly my list: -- License(s) -- State & Federal Stamps -- Gun with plug installed -- Floating gun case -- Non-toxic ammo -- Game strap to carry birds -- Pocket knife -- Game shears -- Folding saw for cutting brush -- Call(s)...
  19. J

    Forgot one important fact on my case

    Here is some interesting and related reading material:
  20. J

    The wheels of justice move slowly - today's court review

    Mark -- The Toyota was totaled in the man-made flood after Katrina. My caseload keeps me pretty busy these days. I have experience with two instances in which people with good credentials and experience were denied employment because of misdemeanor convictions. Neither person had an...