Search results

  1. J

    NDR: fiberglass wet out failure on canoe

    Hello! I?m in the process of restoring a 13? Stowe canoe that was rotting away on the other side of town. These canoes can be very nice when done and being lockdown season, I needed a project to chew on. Fast forward and after pecking away at it, it?s time to put in a fiberglass matt to stiffen...
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    looking for a mallard painting tutorial using oils?

    well, I'm finally jumping into tackling painting mallards and I'm looking to see if anyone can point me to tutorials using tube oils. I'm certainly aware of all the great tutorials that have been referenced here for acrylics and latex and wondering if there's anything similar for tube oils...
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    decoy rack recommendations?

    Hi All-- Banging my head against a wall trying to get a good connection on the decoy rack to the boat and I'm looking for recommendations, or pictures if you have any, of your setup. My main issue is getting a good solid attachment to the boat from the stern to the oarlock block. As of...
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    blind dimensions

    hey all, I'm setting up a TDB-like blind on my BBII and and in the process of setting the conduit frame into its final position. After that comes canvas at which point I'm locked into that I want to get it right now. Currently it's set such that the long opening the length...
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    pond/coffin box ideas

    I'm thinking about a build of a pond box and looking for some ideas. Ideally, I'd like to build something light weight that's as open as possible to serve double duty as a sled. I also happen to own a fatboy with doors and I'm thinking that I could slap the doors on this rather than sew up a...
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    boat wiring

    While crawling around the boat (bb II) I found the wiring chases that I put in when I built the boat with plans of wiring it for running lights. 15+ years later, I'm thinking about actually doing it. One problem, I am a dunce with 12V wiring. Anybody have a newbie diagram that they could point...
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    BB II: Flapper Boards and Cockpit cover

    So, with a changing fleet and a growing family, I have decided to make some adjustments to my BB II. My BB II is currently set up with a dodger to shoot like a sneakbox, but when hunting alone, these days i primarily opt to take a one man glass-over-cedar sneakbox I picked up a few years ago...
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    devlin builders

    Hi-- Anybody know who might build a boat to devlin plans on the east coast? I'm thinking about a boat but don't have the time to tackle it personally. thanks Jamus
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    MoMarsh Fatboy DP, Cover, doors, motor mount

    I am selling my Fatboy DP, as I have settled on the original Fatboy as my go-to marsh boat. details can be found here Pass the word! Thanks jamus
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    barn cleanout: coffin box, eider sleds, decoy anchors, you name it

    Hi All-- Cleaning out the barn and moving out some gear that I have not used in a while. please PM me if you're interested in any of this. I'm based in NE MA BTW, and some of this stuff is not so shippable... also some of this is being listed elsewhere too (trying to move it out!) thanks...
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    Metal strips for keeson abrasion

    Hi All-- The brass half-ovals protecting the keelsons on my BBII are giving up the ghost (after 10 years) so I need to flip the boat over and replace them. I'm thinking of going with aluminum following eric's scaup, but thought I'd toss out a question to see if anyone had found something...
  12. J

    Has anybody read this book?

    "Last Child in the Woods." Apparently it's a call to get more kids out of doors, referencing in part a growing irony that kids today will know more about the rain forest in Brazil than a creek in the backyard. I heard about it the other day and suspect that someone here might have a view on...
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    Repainting BBII

    Hey all-- I'm thinking of repainting the BBII and I'm hoping there might be some thoughts from the group as to how to do it with minimum fuss. When i first built the boat I primed with Ditzler's and then Lou's FME. That original painting as been bullet proof. Over the years however, through...
  14. J

    Air compressor: to fix or not

    Hello all-- So here's the question: I have come into an old sears air compressor, which in its prime, was used to spray paint among other things. All in all it was/is a nice machine--20+ gallon tank, 2 hp 240 volt motor--but it has since given up the ghost. The motor is dead and replacements...
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    Dave clark: did the canvas make it to you safely?

    just checking in... hould hate to think the USPS ate it. thanks
  16. J

    Hey Ira...

    Hey Ira-- Hope you’re doing well. Quick question: have you guys looked into making cockpit covers for the fatboy originals? Mine sits out on top of a trailer and I’d love to get a cover for it so it doesn’t fill with snow and ice and so that I can store doors and whatnots in it when...
  17. J

    original fatboy motor size?

    hey guys-- hope you all have been well. It's been a while since I posted last. New job, more babies, same old same old... I'm in the market for a motor for my original fatboy and am looking for recommendations on size and make. Ira's sticker says 2.5 hp but I'm wondering if that's truly the...
  18. J

    Arthur Shilstone painting: what's it worth?

    Hi-- For years I've been lugging around an unframed watercolor of a guy in a duck blind dispatching a duck on the water. Today, I noted the name of the author, googled him and apparently he's a minor somebody. Any thoughts as to how to get a handle on what the painting's worth? thanks jamus
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    Nate Grace: Thanks for the tarred line samples

    Nate-- Appreciate you dropping those in the mail to me. Off hand, do you know the # size of the larger sample? How do you think that would work for rigging singles? I'd think it would be great for rigging 2 foot droppers for longlines with swivel snaps on the ends, but wondering if it might be...
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    Eric: Cleaning up milled tool surfaces?

    Hey Eric-- Hope you're doing well....A while back you posted a description for how you've been cleaning up old milled tool surfaces. I have a drill press that needs some love and was wondering if I could get a couple pointers. If I recall, you had found a combination of a solvent and a...