Search results

  1. Keith Mueller

    WINNER Decoy drawing "The Art in Making Decoys"

    Hi Everyone, Today was the drawing for the decoy for those who purchased the Collectors Edition of my book "The Art in Making Decoys". My wife Jen selected the winning post card from the "hat" from all who sent it back to me. The lucky winners name is: Jason Barnett from Indianapolis, Ind...
  2. Keith Mueller

    Drake shoveler gunning demo.....

    I was on Long Island, NY in February visiting with three friends and collectors and we stopped off at a local cove to look for waterfowl and hopefully take a few pictures. This small cove was full of mallards and Canada geese, and quite a few gadwall, ringnecks and a small flock of eight...
  3. Keith Mueller

    Westlake.....congratulations, and my hats off to you (even though I don't wear one) for a well run show...

    ...........First-Congratulations to all the winners for your fine showing at Westlake. Even if you didn't win a ribbon, your fine work and showing makes you all winners to me. Second-just as I suspected; everyone from this site who stopped by to introduce are the finest...
  4. Keith Mueller

    Email addies inbox was toasted yesterday, and......

    ......I lost everyones email adress' in my inbox and adress book. If you had emailed me, have or emailed me recently would you please email me so I will have your email address again and this time I will make sure I back it up!!! My email address is: . If I haven't replied...
  5. Keith Mueller

    Old Squaw pair

    I just finished this pair of smoothie old squaw (sorry, I can't warm up to long tailed duck) and delivered them today to my customer. Here is a simple tutorial showing the steps I use to make this style of decoy. If you have any questions please feel free!! The birds were carved from...
  6. Keith Mueller

    Wings and feet........

    Here are a few images that I took on my day off on Tuesday. I went to some of my old spots in RI and Mass that you wouldn't expect held birds and found huge rafts of eiders. They are concentrated now getting ready for their spring push home. I resized them using one of the "online" programs...
  7. Keith Mueller

    Wind, waves, snow squalls, sea ducks, and a few other species......images from last thursday.

    Took thursday off.....spent the day enjoying the coast. The wind was still up strong out of the NW.....with good sized seas, and spittin' snow......a great day for waterfowling with a camera. There were plenty of birds around and plenty to photograph. Here are some of the images from...
  8. Keith Mueller

    Clams on the halfshell anyone.....or maybe a broken windshield....

    I was going through my image folders and I found these from last year. I was having lunch in my truck near the docks in Newport RI, when I looked over and saw this gull struggling with something on the small beach near the main fishing docks. It was low tide and one becomes accustomed to...
  9. Keith Mueller

    Some images from Saturday after the big Nor'easter.....

    The Nor' easter had gone through, most of the 90 mph winds that Hank Garvey mentioned were gone, but still a very steady and lingering 40 knot Southerly wind remained. With the passage of the storm, the very heavy seas complimented by multiple snow squalls added up to a fabulous day for...
  10. Keith Mueller

    Canvasbacks for Nick Ronning

    Nick this is all I have in my folders at the moment, as you requested......
  11. Keith Mueller

    Sunrise/Sunset images over your hunting spots....have any good ones?

    Sunrise and sunset, my favorite part of the day. Nothing like watching the sun rise or fall over the ocean while sea duck hunting. How about posting your sunrise/sunset shots.....
  12. Keith Mueller

    Well, I couldn't help myself....a few more sea ducks....

    Because I have received many emails and pms from those who are landlocked and can't get to either coast and love seeing sea ducks....let me bring a few more coastal images to you for you to enjoy! a spectacular hen eider in all her glory.... the very fast flying hen red breasted...
  13. Keith Mueller

    A few Gull images for Chris Toy....

    Hi Chris, here are a few images that you asked for....I hope they are what you want. If you need head and bill close-ups please let me know, I would be glad to post them for you. Adult greater black backed..... A first cycle herring gull....
  14. Keith Mueller

    Black ducks

    A little snooze......... sweet little hen...... the "hard to get" spot...... beautiful sleepy drake ...... a little drink.....
  15. Keith Mueller


    If you carve shorebirds, or just appreciate them, here are some of the many shorebird images I took this year. Good reference for your carving files... Winter dunlin.... Winter plumage ruddy turnstone (nice feeding pattern)..... this sanderling was photographed on a...
  16. Keith Mueller

    More decoys

    Here is another of my decoys. This trio of spectacled eiders/white wing scoter was carved from observations of the interactions between the two species. The drake spec eider is defending its sea cucumber quarry from a very tenacious and aggressive (asian ssp) white wing scoter drake trying to...
  17. Keith Mueller

    Part 2- Sea Class 22 ft. Simmons Sea Skiff- images of the building process

    I have all the pictures of the building process of my earlier post of the 22 ft. Simmons Sea Skiff. Many asked about the building process, so I will post its entire construction here. As I mentioned in my Introduction, I don't know much about boat building, but I did witness some of the boat...
  18. Keith Mueller

    Some images from this season......using a Canon instead of a shotgun.

    This season was hailed as a banner year by some, and a huge dissapointment by many others. I found myself seeing unbalanced numbers of wildfowl here in New England....from small to non-existent numbers of migrating and wintering (common waterfowl species) such as most dabbling and diving ducks...
  19. Keith Mueller

    Nova Scotia eider tub

    Since it is (kinda) a boat....I thought everyone would like to see this eider tub I have in my collection. Unfortuntely I don't have the room to display it, I bring it out of my shed once and a while and set it up. History: this tub came from Tancook Island on the East coast of Nova Scotia...
  20. Keith Mueller

    22 ft. Sea Class Simmons Sea Skiff

    Here is the Simmons Sea Skiff that was built two years ago for my best friend/decoy collector and myself. It was built by South Shore Boat Works Inc. in Halifax, Massachusetts. The original design was customized and modified by the builder with a much deeper and wider hull to be used primarilay...