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  1. J

    starting to see some migrators

    Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. We're starting to see a few birds here as well, though the variety is not as great. Lots of resident geese here.
  2. J

    Plywood for a fat guy?

    I agree with Steve. AC ply should be fine. I had an old Owens 28' cruiser that I replaced the ply bottom on years ago. Couldn't get marine ply locally at the time so I used AC ply. Sold the boat long ago, but it's new owner is still using it and it is leak free and solid. I've also built a...
  3. J

    one of my favorite pics from last season

    Very nice! Much better than the dingy grey half melted snow that I see as I look out of my window this morning. Can't wait til fall!
  4. J

    Pictures of Boat Project

    Looks great! I've just started building frames for mine. Can't wait to get as far along as you.
  5. J

    Decoy ID

    Thanks. There is info online indicating that Restle used Herters heads at times. I'm no expert on any of them!
  6. J

    Decoy ID

    Duane, thanks for the link. I had forgotten about that site. There are a couple of goose decoys pictured there (not Canadas) that look identical in shape and keel style. I haven't hunted these in years. They definitely are not self righting, which is one reason I quit using them. They...
  7. J

    Decoy ID

    Thanks Vince. I always assumed they were Restles, but never took the time to do any research. According to the info I could find on line, Restle didn't start marking decoys until 1980 or so. Since I purchased these used in the early 80s, it makes sense that the unmarked dekes were produced...
  8. J

    Decoy ID

    Jack, You may be right that the keels were added. Here is a look at the keel.
  9. J

    Decoy ID

    Can't believe I didn't figure that out on my own! :)
  10. J

    Decoy ID

    I've got some decoys that I bought used back in the early to mid 80s. I've sold or traded some over the years, but have a few left. One is marked Restle, the rest are not marked and are slightly different. I'm trying to determine the maker of the others. Herters? Pics of both are below...
  11. J

    Who built my BBSB?

    I can't help with the ID, but it is a nice looking boat! Good luck with the repair/restoration.
  12. J

    Broadbill or Kara Hummer?

    Thanks Ryan. I've searched the forums and have seen your build pics. Looks great! The plans I have are for the 14' version. I understand the differences in the two boats and have convinced myself that the Broadbill is right for me. I don't hunt flooded fields often (and usually just use...
  13. J

    Broadbill or Kara Hummer?

    Thanks for the replies. I've been looking over the plan set for the Broadbill tonight. I think I've convinced myself that the Broadbill is the way to go. It's a pretty straight forward build, low profile enough for sneaking on the river, but big & stable enough to run on larger lakes as well...
  14. J

    Broadbill or Kara Hummer?

    I plan on building a small boat for hunting the rivers and small lakes/marshes in the area. I bought plans for the 14" Broadbill from Clark Craft a while back, but haven't started building. As I look at my needs, I am wondering if the Kara design might not be a better choice. Use info...
  15. J

    More Strip Canoe build photos

    Looks great! We've built three cedar strip kayaks. There is a great deal of satisfacion in the building process, and even more in taking that first trip in a canoe/kayak that you created with your own hands. Enjoy!
  16. J

    New Member

    Thanks for the welcome..... I am aware of that rule. Please be patient while I wait for the plans to arrive!
  17. J

    New Member

    Just joined the site and thought I'd post a quick intro. I'm in northern Indiana, and have been a long time duck hunter. I have plans and material on the way and will be starting a AA Broadbill build in a week or so. I'll be back with pics and more info when I get started! Great site. I've...